Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KAE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Gudovich, Andrei
Realizace elektronkového zesilovače pro kytaru This bachelor thesis deals with the implementation of a low-frequency tube amplifier for electric guitar. The aim of the diploma thesis is determination of the requirements for the techni cal parameters of the guitar tube amplifier and the implementation of equipment that ... |
Bartůněk, David
Vývoj otáčkoměru pro elektrický pohon In the bachelor theses the sensors for measuring speed and angle are described. Furthermore, the work focuses on the development of hardware for IRC sensor, by selecting suitable components and their connections. The signal transmission between the sensor and the microcontroller is carr... |
Hubač, Robert
Širokopásmová dielektrická spektroskopie jako moderní diagnostická technika pro hodnocení dielektrických vlastností pevných a kapalných elektroizolačních materiálů This bachelor's thesis is focused on dielectric measurement using broadband dielectric spectroscopy method. This modern method is confined between electrical engineering, materials science and chemistry field. Its aim is to obtain and evaluate dielectric spectra, which represents frequency and tem... |
Háže, Daniel
Samouzdravující polymery a jejich perspektiva v elektrotechnice This thesis aims to investigate the strategies and application possibilities that are used in the field of self-healing polymers in electrical engineering, which is increasingly involved in modern material engineering. The first chapter is devoted to basic terms in the field of polymers... |
Trojan, Adam
Systém snímání a vyhodnocení polohy pedálů elektrovozidla This bachelor's thesis is focused on the current standards and recommendations in application with sensing the position of the electric vehicle pedals. The thesis summarizes the commonly used principles of sensing the position of the pedal and their alternatives. A selection of a... |
Šedivec, Jiří
Systém na ovládání miniaturních robotů Objectives of this bachelor thesis were to study options of object path planning in the area, develop a user interface for miniature robot control and program path planning algorithms. At the time when the thesis was assigned, the robot control was very limited. All the t... |
Hartman, Jan
Návrh a realizace elektronkového RIAA korekčního předzesilovače The presented bachelor thesis is focused on the description of the design and implementation of a tube RIAA correction preamplifier for a phonograph. The first part describes the technical parameters of phono cartridges present on the market and two basic circuit topologies of the&... |
Hanzlíček, Tomáš
Realizace přípravku pro návrh výhybek pro pasivní reprosoustavy The bachelor's thesis deals with the construction of a jig for designing and testing loudspeakers crossover of various topologies. The work presents the procedures of design of chokes with air core, calculations of components of individual crossover, design of simplification of the ... |
Lang, Lukáš
Nabíjecí stanice pro elektrická vozidla The presented bachelor theses deals with the types of charging stations for electric vehicles and their topology, with emphasis on communication. The introductory part of the work presents the most used types of contact charging connectors and describes the principles of other technolog... |
Prágr, Jiří
Návrh indukčního levitačního systému The Bachelor 's work is focused on theoretical design of an electrodynamic levitation system in a simulation program and practical construction. |
Zeman, Matěj
Konstrukce vícekanálového zesilovače pro mobilní použití The bachelor's thesis is focused on the design and construction of an 8-channel mobile amplifier with symmetrical inputs, powered from a 14-volt DC system with regard to functionality and safety in a car. The reader will be acquainted with the most used classes of amplifie... |
Holát, Josef
Konstrukce nízkofrekvenčních tlumicích akustických prvků na principu Helmholtzových rezonátorů This bachelor thesis focuses on the theory of acoustic Helmholtz resonators and the subsequent design of an acoustic element based on their principle. The first part of the thesis introduces the basic concepts of the field of room acoustics. The possibilities of acoustic modificati... |
Lucák, Martin
Konstrukce nízkofrekvenčních tlumicích akustických prvků na principu kmitajících panelů This bachelor thesis describes the design and construction of a low-frequency acoustic element based on the vibrating panel principle. The first three chapters describe theoretical knowledge in the field of room acoustics, the method of measuring the absorption factor of acoustic elements... |
Frank, Jan
Diagnostické metody pevných dielektrických materiálů Presented bachelor thesis is focused on diagnostic methods by which properties of solid dielectric materials can be investigated. The goal of this thesis is to explain actions in dielectric materials, to describe investigated electrical properties and methods used for quantification. The... |
Sonntag, David
Dimenzování baterie studentské elektroformule The aim of the work was to calculate the energy required for the electroformula battery, select a suitable battery cell based on detailed research, verify its properties by measurement then design, dimension and at attempt to optimize the student electroformula battery for FSG plan... |
Rada, Jan
Bezdrátový systém přenosu dat The task deals with issue about wireless data transfer between two microcontrollers and personal computer, design of wireless transmission system between two microcontrollers and personal computer and its implementation. Emphasis was placed on possibility to use in medicine in the future, sp... |
Hamerník, Karel
Vliv Single Event Efektů na elektronické systémy The purpose of my bachelor thesis is describe Single Event Effects, their distribution, testing and data analysis, there is also described ionizing radiation. |
Aubrecht, Petr
Moderní řešení hodin typu Pragotron The aim of this work is to assemble the control unit for the old Pragotron clock IPJ-0612. The introductory part of the thesis is focused on the control of the clock mechanism. At the next part of the work, the possibilities of transmittion of exact time information&... |
Král, Lukáš
Zpracování dat z letu sondážní rakety This bachelor thesis deals with data processing and their analysis from on-board camera, the matrix infrared sensor, the accelerometer and the gyroscope. This was taken during suborbital flight of sounding rocket Black Brant IX. The basic properties of individual sensors are presented h... |
Fencl, David
Průtokoměr pro internet věcí This bachelor thesis is focused on creating functioning system for measuring of the flow of a liquid using the technology from the area of internet of things. The thesis contains a survey on common measuring methods, which are used in practice. We discuss several networks ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Katedra aplikované elektroniky a telekomunikací / Department of Applied Electronics and Telecommunications
- 251 bakalářská práce