Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KFI) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Krumlová, Jana
Důkazy boží existence ve středověké filosofii This Bachelor thesis called the evidence of God's existence in medieval philosophy is focused on the views of selected thinkers of this period who lived and worked in the western part of the civilized world. The goal is to gather and present evidence of God's exis... |
Dyková, Andrea
Renesanční magie: Marsilio Ficino Magic, which has a common view of the world as esotericism, has its origins within the origin of mankind, where under different traditions continued to develop its activity under religious character. Renaissance came with a new idea of a creation of ?The natural magic? in ... |
Klimešová, Lenka
Pojetí člověka u Herberta Marcuseho a Ericha Fromma This bachelor thesis concerns the approach to various aspects of human being in Erich Fromm and Herbert Marcuse philosophy. Primarily, it deals with freedom, society and human being. In the opening part, Frankfurt School is briefly introduced. Both authors were its members and were... |
Šustová, Kateřina
Dedukce v detektivní literatuře The thesis compares the term "deduction" from the point of view of modern logic with the way it is used in detective stories of Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot. The purpose of my research is to prove whether methods of these detectives described in the books&... |
Kuklová, Šárka
Zrození křesťanské Evropy: christianizace českých zemí od Velké Moravy po Sázavský klášter The theme of the work is to detect early days of Christianity in the Czech lands. This thesis is focused on the period from 9 the 11th century. This thesis is focused on the development of Christianity process in connection with the development of the state, which... |
Frouzová, Adriana
Koncepce přirozeného stavu v novověké filozofii This work deals with the natural state. It focuses on three prominent representatives of social and political philosophy of modern times, which are Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. These philosophers devoted much attention to this topic in the systems of their p... |
Chrenka, Matej
Gestika a mimika jako součást neverbální komunikace s ohledem na kulturní odlišnosti Thesis is focusing on nonverbal communication. It contains general part which is speaking about communication and nonverbal communication. Next part contains historical developement of nonverbal communication. The rest of thesis has comparative nature. Here can be found intercultural differences betwe... |
Klimešová, Lenka
Pojetí člověka u Herberta Marcuseho a Ericha Fromma This bachelor thesis deals with conception of various human aspects according to Erich Fromm and Herbert Marcuse. These aspects are freedom, society and human. There is mentioned freedom and her economic, religious and anthropological development in culture. Below is here shown directly ... |
Reinigerová, Ludmila
Firemní kultura This bachelor thesis is focused on the theoretical interpretation of the concept of corporate culture, which was illustrated on a particular business organization. I've dealt with its gradual development, definition and functioning in the current society. |
Urbanová, Šárka
Ekologická etika Environmental ethics, which was established as a reaction to the fact of environmental crisis, is presented in this bachelor thesis. There are described four main overlooks of environmental ethics, their concepts and persons by which these concepts are represented. Special attention is ... |
Zajícová, Nikola
Problém moci a role panovníka - jeho znázornění a interpretace v alžbětinském dramatu The main aim of workis to present Shakespeare's characters of rulers in the context of the aspects of the desire for power, disrespect for the law or morality and ability to manipulate and rhetoric. It is therefore analyzed how Shakespeare handles the meaning of power ... |
Vallová, Simona
Láska a závislost - filozofie a psychologie lidských vztahů My work primarily is about partner's love and addiction. Against each other stand philosophical and psychological perspectives on love. The philosophical plane consists of mainly philosophers: Plato, Thomas Aquinas, Arthur Schopenhauer, and Ludwig Feuerbach. The psychological plane are these ... |
Knedlhansová, Věra
S. Kierkegaard a lidská existence Kierkegaard dealed with the question of the man, his weaknesses, his everyday problems and also of his feelings. The second target of the dissertation was to compare Kierkegaard's ideas with the concept of Friedrich Nietzsche, who is considered as one of the most important ... |
Zábranská, Marie
Frommovo pojetí člověka a psychoanalýza The topic of the present bachelor thesis is Erich Fromm and his specific concept of a human being and psychoanalysis. The introductory chapter summarizes fundamental facts about Fromm´s life.The following chapters focus on the main issues of Fromm´s concept of a human being. It... |
David, Jakub
"Svrchovanost" uměleckého díla v myšlení Georges Bataille In this Bachelor thesis, it was focused on thinking and work of Georges Bataille. Origins of art and its transformation in today?s times are deeply analysed. The aim of this work is to provide readers with comparison of prehistoric art and modern art. The prehistoric art&... |
Novotný, Petr
K poznání problémů studia filozofie prostřednictvím učebnic O myšlení (K.Liessmann a G. Zenaty) a Filozofie (I. Blecha) The main research point of this bachelor thesis is: to recognize the problems of philosophy studies through two books, when the first book is entitled O myšlení (K.Liessmann and G. Zenaty) and the second one is entitled Filozofie (I. Blecha). The first part of the thesis&... |
Bryxová, Petra
Friedrich August von Hayek - významná osobnost evropské vědy This degree work focuses on F. A. Hayek´s main ideas and opinions. His knowledge is timeless and his work is very important for society in these days. Degree work is about important life milestones, personal live and his masterpieces, described his stand to the term socie... |
Čapková, Klára
Vztah přírody a kultury - environmentální výchova This thesis addresses the problem of relation of the nature and culture with a focus on the environmental education. The first part is devoted to philosophical reflection of the ecological crisis, then it is discussed the environmental education as one of the possible solutions... |
Kubizňáková, Monika
J.W.Goethe a Mariánské lázně: Příspěvek k poznání lázeňské kultury Bachelor´s work is focused on life of the poet and the politician J.W.Goethe. In detail is devoted to the three Goethe´s journeys to Marianske Lazne, to the local social activities and to the celebrities of Marianské Lazne. In detail is analysed all of the accessible hypo... |
Newiaková, Zdeňka
Nejdek v letech 1918 až 1938 Bachelor work focuses on the history of Nejdek in the years 1918 - 1938. |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- Katedra filozofie / Department of Philosophy