Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KFI) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 521 až 540 z 798
Korunková, Barbora
Existenciální motivy v dramatech G. Marcela a A. Camuse

The thesis is interpretation and comparison of two forms of existential philosophy in dramas Gabriel Marcel and Albert Camus.

Červená, Ivana
JAN PAVEL II. Myšlení a dílo - Reflexe rodiny a manželství ve 20.století v díle Jana Pavla II. v období jeho pontifikátu

The bachelor thesis is based on selected writings of Pope John Paul II. It containes excerpts from encyclicals and other Pope´s great works. My work is also a synthesis of the main ideas which are ralated to the topic. They express John Paul´s attitude to the issues&...

Černá, Blanka
Rousseauova kritika tradičního osvícenského pojetí člověka

The subject of this bachelor's paper is the representative of the French Enlightenment, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and his thinking about human beings and human society. In the first part of the paper general features of the Enlightenment are defined. It also focuses on the French&#...

Struhárová, Klára
Co je pragmatismus, co pragmatické. Filozofie a výchova podle J. Deweye

The aim of the work will first give an overview of the philosophical and educational principles by J. Dewey, preferably with examples; further explore the issue of the so-called "utility" and compare J. Dewey access to education with the concepts J. Patocka and J. So...

Javůrková, Renata
Komunikace jako základ obchodního úspěchu

The thesis is focused on communication in the business world.The first part of this thesis describes the different forms of marketing communication - advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relation, direct marketing, sponsorship, and communication through new media. The second par...

Dachová, Helena
Vědecké programy v novověké filosofii: dílo René Descarta

This Bachelor's thesis describes philosophical work and methodology of René Descartes with emphases on complexity. The development of Descartes' thinking is observed based on his two fundamental works. A large part of the thesis focuses on analysis of Descartes' Discourse on the&...

Samohejlová, Zuzana
Dějiny Tovaryšstva Ježíšova v českých zemích se zaměřením na Klatovy

The bachelor thesis aims to draw nigh formation and activities of ?Societes Iesu? in both common and czech context and also life and work of holy orders. Activities of Societas Iesu Czech lands is described too. The thesis is focused on activity of jesuits in klatovy.

Vamberská, Hana
Quineova teze o neurčitosti překladu a Sapir-Whorfova hypotéza

This bachelor thesis deals with the philosophical and anthropological approach to language and critically examines the problem of translation from one natural language in to another. The first part analyzes the concept of indeterminacy of translation in the broad context of W. V. O...

Tupá, Tereza
Neverbální komunikace se zaměřením na emoce u dětí

The aim is to highlight the importance of non-verbal communication of children. On the communications that give us children who still do not have the ability to speak. Especially with regard to their emotions. Are mentioned ways in which children communicate emotions nonverbally to...

Vaňková, Andrea
Napoleonovo tažení do Ruska

The contents of this thesis is the analysis of causes, development and consequences of Napoleon's Russian Campaign in 1812. The topic is processed in broader context of Napoleon's foreign policy. The goal of this thesis is to provide overall view on Napoleon campaign ...

Lukešová, Nikola
Láska a nenávist

This bachelor´s thesis deals with the interpretation of love and hate, especially on the basis of two important psychologists Erich Fromm and Carl Gustav Jung. The introduction describes the general characteristics of love and hate from literature by Peter Lauster or M. Scott Peck.

Lukešová, Jana
Deprese a její možné projevy v myšlenkách F. Nietzscheho

The topic of this bachelor?s thesis is depression and its possible influence (together with other diseases) on the life and thoughts of Friedrich Nietzsche. At first, the thesis provides a basic information about depression as a disease. The following part summarizes Nietzsche's lif...

Hrušková, Blanka
Katolická církev v podmínkách 1. světové války

This work aims to capture the evolution of the Catholic church and its influence on European culture in the period before the First World War, during, and in the interwar period.

Krejčík, Zdeněk
Filozofické aspekty v audiovizuálním díle - časový rozměr

The basic element of the thesis is to acquaint the reader with the concept of real time as it is understood in the historical excursus within philosophy and phenomenology and on the contrary to present the interdisciplinary and scientific persespective. The second part of the&...

Konopásková, Tereza
Rod Colloredo-Mansfeld a zámek Dobříš

The title of Bachelor thesis is ?The family Colloredo-Mansfeld and the Chateau Dobris. The main theme is the interception various phases of its historical development and also focus on aristocratic family Colloredo-Mansfeld and their influence, not only on the design of this historical&...

Zajíc, David
Dějiny křesťanské liturgie (Formování křesťanské liturgie v prvních třech stoletích)

The thesis is dedicated to explanation of the concept of the liturgy, especially its position in the Christian Church. Some sacraments and liturgical acts are described in closer detail. The thesis is based on the study of literature devoted to the oldest Christian sources.

Böhmová, Martina
Koncepce přirozeného stavu v novověké filosofii

The work focuses on Modern Concept of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. The object is to compare their conception of the state of nature and focuses on issues of freedom, power, morality, war, social contract.

Bieliková, Jana
Koncepce člověka a kritický přístup ke společnosti v díle Milana Machovce

The thesis consists of four separate chapters. The first chapter deals with the life of Milan Machovec, underlining partially the background for perception of his search for the meaning of the human existence. The second chapter regards the fundamental topic of his philosophy ?...

Koubová, Lucie
Střet individua a světa v Goethově raném díle

Bachelor´s thesis focuses on the great personality of the German history, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, especially on his early works. In concrete terms, on his three early works Gotz von Berlichingen, Die Leiden des jungen Werthers and Urfaust, to find the identical motif in th...

Beránek, Luboš
Komunikace v prostředí nových technologií

The aim of this work was to give a comprehensive idea of communication in the background of new technologies. My attention was focused on the area of cyberspace, and I examined, the influence of new communication media, Internet (social network sites) and mobile phones, ...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 521 až 540 z 798