Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KBS) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 141 až 160 z 220
Strejcová, Kateřina
Židé v Kasejovicích

The bachelor thesis deals with the Jewish community in Kasejovice, a small town in Pilsen Region, Pilsen-South District. The work describes the municipality and the local Jewish communities. It focuses especially on the history of local Jews from their coming in the 16th century&#x...

Soukeníková, Vanda
Mocenská centra iráckého režimu v době vlády Saddáma Husajna

The work is about describing the progresion of power centers in Iraq in the second part of the 20th century. The work is mainly focused on the personality of Saddam Hussein's, Baath Party and the leaderships elite, who usually came from Tikrít city area. The study...

Hyčka, Jan
Konstantin I. Veliký- jeho život a náboženské poměry v římské říši za jeho vlády

This bachelor thesis deals with a person of the emperor Constantine, organization of the Roman empire before the beginning of his career, political and military events that preceded his arrival to autocracy. No less important is considered to be the description of the time wit...

Fialová, Alena
Satanské verše

This work is focused on the book "The Satanic Verses" written by Salman Rushdie. This book is named by event of early Islamic history. This incident is still a sensitive issue for Muslims and therefore the book caused a storm among believers, mainly in Iran. Ira...

Česák, Milan
Muammar Qadhdháfí a ekonomika Libye

The main purpose of this bachelor thesis is summarization of economic development of Libya under Moamar Qadhafi rule. In the first part of thesis I focused on hisory of three different governorates, Tripoli, Cyrenaica and Fezzan. The second chapter describes issue of Italian occupa...

Merglová, Marcela
Šamší-Adad I. a amorejská dynastie na asyrském trůně

This work is about life of the Amorite king Shamshi-Adad I. and his successors. The first chapter is dedicated to Amorite dynasty, from which he came from. Then I Describe the way, which Shamshi-Adad gained the power and how his government looked like. Shamshi-Adad was bu...

Hertlová, Zuzana
Velká mešita v Córdobě

This thesis deals with the architectural evolution of Great Mosque of Córdoba, its functions within a Muslim life in the city, rebuilding of the mosque after the Christian reconquista and current problems about practising Islamic religious activities. The work also deals briefly with&#x...

Bolla, Richard
Krátké dějiny Jeruzalémského království

The thesis deals with political history of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. In particular circumstances of its creation (The First Crusade) and decline (the battle of Hattin).

Novotný, Jakub
Ší´itští muslimové v kontextu irácké politiky ve druhé polovině 20. století

The thesis is focused on the history of Iraqi Shi'a Muslims in the latter half of the 20th century. It emphasises the most important phenomena related to the politicization of Shi'i clergymen, such as the confrontation with Iraqi goverments or the engagement of some cl...

Ondo, Marian
Společenské a kulturní zvyky a obyčeje současné jordánské společnosti

The work deals with the customs and traditions of Jordanian society. It introduces with the values ??of its society, and describes the behavioral model in selected situations, which is related to the festivities, family and family celebrations. The section is devoted to the descrip...

Řeháková, Marie
Korán: vývoj umělecké tradice

This essay is focused on the development of an artistic tradition of Koran. The Readers will be apprized with all used materials/the readers will outline the development of materials used, development of writing, illuminations and bookbinding during several centuries.The aim is to ...

Rottová, Kristýna
Sebevražedné atentáty

Bachelor thesis Suicide Bombings deals with phenomenon of suicide bomb attacks. It focuses on the specific question about the legitimacy of this very unique practices of terrorism in the Islamic context.The main intention of this thesis is to introduce to the readers selected argum...

Husáriková, Adéla
Mubárakův režim v Egyptě

This thesis considers thirty-years long rulling era of egyptian president Hosni Mubárak. His policy was dictatorship, there was no freedom of speech or media. The last decision was always about Mubarak or his faithful's, whose he elected himself. This not democratic policy detemirmi...

Nováková, Dagmar
Základy ideologie Al-Qá´idy

This work encompasses the ideological and theological foundations of Al-Qaeda. It emphasizes what preceded the laying of the foundations and discusses inspiration chain of thinkers, through which this ideology was propagated from generation to generation. It also pinpoints the environment and...

Kostková, Pavla
Výrazné osobnosti arabské hudby ve 2. polovině 20. století

This thesis is focused on illustrious personalities of arabic music in the 2nd half of the 20th century. It brings an outline of some kinds of arabic music, it describes typical arabic musical instruments and introduces the most important singers and musicians of arabic music&...

Jarý, Jakub
Bohyně matky v mezopotamském panteonu

This thesis deals with Mother-goddesses in the Sumerian pantheon of gods and their roles, cults and status during sumerian-akkadian period.

Kubelová, Jana
Středoasyrské zákony

This work summarizes available information on topic of Middle Assyrian Laws. Historical context is also shown. Middle Assyrian Laws are first analyzed as a whole - their site, today's location or character are discussed. This is followed by description of the tablets and the&#x...

Kollárová, Alexandra
Islamofobie v umění

Islamophobia in art responds to the rising levels of anti-Muslim and anti-Islam hatred in Western contemporary Art. Attention is paid to the current cartoons and political posters using propaganda as a tool to manipulate public opinion. In this paper, visuals are treated as sources...

Fialková, Tereza
Vztahy mezi Tureckem a Arménií v současnosti

This bachelor thesis deals with the problematic relations between Turkey and Armenia, two neighbour states which due to the historic background and geopolitical reasons are not able to establish diplomatic relations. In the first part I present Turkey and Armenia in a historical co...

Husáriková, Adéla
Mubárakův režim v Egyptě

This thesis considers a few spheres of Mubarak's regime in Egypt within the years 1981-2011. Even though Egypt was democratic republic, there was obvious authoritarianism in Mubarak's ruling and governing. Mubarak came to power after president Sadat's assassination. During his mandate...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 141 až 160 z 220