Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KPS) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 377
Chladová, Nicole
Žena v managementu

This bachelor thesis is focused on the issue of women in management. It is divided into six chapters. In the theoretical part, basic definitions are given first and then gender inequality is described, also causes, consequences of gender inequality and ways of introducing gender&#x...

Klučinová, Klára
Využití sugestivní terapie u studentů s vyšším stupněm neuroticismu

The subject of this bachelor thesis is the use of suggestive therapy in university students with higher degree of neuroticism in order to reduce the symptoms of neuroticism. The thesis is divided into two main parts, theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is...

Kyrianová, Pavlína
Vliv účasti rodiče vojáka/vojákyně v zahraniční misi na školní docházku dítěte

In this bachelor thesis we deal with The influence on child attendence in school: parents in army on the abroad mission. The research work is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is divided into five chapters. The first and the second deals wi...

Kriegerová, Terezie
Prožívání rodičů v průběhu psychoterapie jejich dítěte

The topic of this study deals with the problematics of the emotions of parents and their experiences through the process of the psychotherapy of their children. This work is divided into two parts, the theoretical part and the practical part. The first part is based on&#x...

Fremrová, Edita
Výživa jako součást mateřské školy podporující zdraví

The bachelor thesis focuses on healthy lifestyle in kindergarten and nutrition of preschool children. It consists of the theoretical and practical part. The first chapter of the theoretical part of the thesis shows the importance of complex health for preschool children and mentions...

Vörösová, Rebeka
Obiloviny a luštěniny ve výživě člověka

This bachelor thesis deals cereals and legumes in regard to human nutrition. This bachelor thesis has four chapters and is dividend into a theoretical part and a research part. The aim of this work is to characterize cereals and legumes. I present the history of these...

Dvořáková, Veronika
Využití psychoterapeutických postupů v pomoci obětem domácího násilí

This bachelor´ thesis deals with the description of the use of psychotherapeutic procedures in the help of victims of domestic violence. The theoretical part deals with the definition of the term psychotherapy. Furthermore in the theoretical part the question of psychotherapy is describ...

Drunecká, Michaela
Návrh metodiky pro přípravu na manželství

This thesis deals with the conception of marital preparations in the Czech Republic. In the theoretical part we attempt to approximate marriage as a concept and historical development of marriage. In terms of marital preparations we deal with the overall development of the relation...

Four, Dominika
Analýza stresové zátěže v těhotenství

This bachelors thesis is focused on the stress in pregnancy. The thesis is divided into four chapters. First of them is a general explanation of the term stress. The second one is focused on pregnancy. In this part is introduced prenatal ontogenesis and physiology of preg...

Dorušková, Michaela
Spánek jako složka zdravého životního stylu

The bachelor thesis ''Sleep as a part of a healthy lifestyle'' deals with a definition of health and healthy lifestyle. In the first chapter, the thesis focuses in detail about the part of medical healthcare, parts of a healthy lifestyle, where we found mental ...

Zajíčková, Kateřina
Důvody zneužívání tísňové linky Integrovaného záchranného systému

The bachelor thesis titled "Reasons for misuse of the emergency line of the emergency line of the Integrated Rescue System" is divided into two parts. The theoretical part deals with the emergence and functioning of the Integrated Rescue System in the Czech Republic and&#...

Lehečková, Kristýna
Výkonová motivace ve sportu

This Bachelor thesis discusses the performance motivation survey of three collective sports, specifically handball, floorball and ice hockey. The primary objective of this thesis is to describe the performance motivation factors in collective sports via the LMI psychometric instrument. The Bachel...

Nečasová, Petra
Znalosti učitelů o poskytování první pomoci

The bachelor thesis titled "Teachers' knowledge about providing first aid " is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part deals with the definition and division of first aid, legislation on providing first aid, characteristics of the integrated rescue system&...

Jeřichová, Klára
Reprodukční zdraví

The Bachelor thesis, which bears the name of prevention in the reproductive health of future mothers, is divided into a theoretical and practical parts. In the theoretical part, I deal with the definitiv of reproductive health, education for sexual reproductive health, not only in&...

Bouzková, Kateřina
Superpotraviny ve výživě

This bachelor's thesis deals with the subject of superfoods (functional foods) in nutrition. My bachelor's thesis consists of four chapters and is divided into the theoretical and the practical part. The aim of this thesis is to characterize superfoods in detail. The theoretical...

Korandová, Natálie
Poruchy příjmu potravy: rizika a informovanost u dospívajících dětí

This bachelor thesis called ,, Eating disorders: risks and awareness of adolescents"deals with eating disorders. It is divided into the theoretical and the practical part. The theoretical part is focused on defining faults food intake. It contains information about anorexia nervosa and&...

Svobodová, Michaela
Problematika užívání alkoholu v období adolescence

Bacheor thesis entitled "The issues of alcohol abuse during adolescence" is consists of theoretical and practical parts, which is consists five chapters describing basic information on the issue of alcohol abuse in the age of adolescence. Theoretical part focuses on description alc...

Soběhartová, Martina
Postoje učitele MŠ, ZŠ a SŠ k inkluzi autistických dětí v běžných třídách

The theme of this thesis is find out the attitudes of teachers of kindergartens, primary and secondary schools on the inclusion of autistic children in mainstream classes. The work is divided into two parts - part theoretical and part practical. The theoretical part defines th...

Čermáková, Lucie
Neuroticismus u vysokoškolských studentů

The thesis deals with neuroticism in university students. It describes neuroticism and its effects on humans, disorders associated with neuroticism and also describes young adulthood under which university students fall. In the practical part, the thesis deals with whether there is a di...

Tvrdá, Kristýna
Význam a smysl užití relaxačních technik u neurotických dětí v MŠ

The thesis deals with the issue of relaxation techniques and their significance and the purpose of usage with neurotic children in the kindergarten. In the beginning of the theoretical part, the terms of psychopathology, e.g. neuroticism, neurotic disorder etc., are explained with the&#...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 377