Diplomové práce / Theses (KSP) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 181 až 200 z 333
Kubíčková, Barbora
Správní soudnictví po "Velké novele" č. 303/2011 Sb.

The content of this thesis is the legislation of administrative jurisprudence before the novelization no. 303/2011 and after this novelization. The thesis focuses on analysis of the proceeding in administrative jurisprudence, on the novelization no. 303/2011 and changes it brought to&#x...

Štumar, Jiří
Samostatná působnost obcí v judikatuře Ústavního soudu

The goal of thesis is to map developments in the cases of the Constitutional Court in municipal law-making. The main work consists generally binding ordinances of municipalities and the related judgments of the Constitutional Court. In the first part of the thesis are defined ...

Novotná, Veronika
Organizace správy územně členěných statutárních měst

The text of my diploma work is divided to six chapters. After the introduction follows the chapter, that dissertates history of statutory cities in our country. In the third chapter I pursuit the comprehensive zoning in municipalities and after that I issue the concept of ...

Chmelíková, Eliška
Řízení ve věcech práva svobodného přístupu k informacím

The theme of this paper is "The proceedings in the right of the free access to the information". The paper is divided to the six main chapters. It begins with the analysis of the actual legal status in the Czech Republic and the right for the information&#x...

Siřínek, Jakub
Využití opatření obecné povahy při územním plánování

The target of thesis "Utilization of the measure of general nature in the spatial planning" is focused on utilization of the measure of general nature in relation to building act, especially to the spatial planning. In every chapter is analyzed the measure of general ...

Dufková, Anna
Přestupky proti bezpečnosti a plynulosti provozu na pozemních komunikacích

Scope of master's thesis deals with applicable legislation transgressions against the safety and the flow of traffic on roads. Purpose of this work is focusing on issues of administrative offences on the roads according to Act No. 361/2000, concerning road traffic and amending&...

Svatošová, Petra
Omezení práva na informace ve veřejné správě

Diploma thesis is focused on the right to information with its legal restrictions. Work is focused on explaining terms such as information, right to information, free acces to information. Thesis describes constitutional and statutory level of right to information, where it mainly analy...

Šímová, Ludmila
Vybrané problémy státního dozoru nad profesní samosprávou

Thesis "Selected issues of the state supervision of the profession self-government" is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is coping with concept of self-government of interest groups, its general characteristics and different conceptions of particular authors. The second cha...

Vaníčková, Martina
Rozpočty a kontrola hospodaření územních samosprávných celků

This thesis deals with the budget process of local goverments, principles of the process and economic and financial controls of these municipalities budgets. Part of this thesis is to introduce the important concepts in this issue, and primarily comparison the theory with practice ...

Hejduk, Matouš
Poskytování náhrad škod způsobených zvláště chráněnými živočichy podle zákona č. 115/2000 Sb.

In this thesis, as the title already implies, the author pursues the issue of providing compensations for damages caused by selected especially protected animals according to act No. 115/2000 Coll. Damages caused on fish, that are caused by Great Cormorant and European River O...

Kozlova, Irina
Pobytová oprávnění cizinců ze třetích zemí dlouhodobějšího charakteru

Alien Law is a specific part of the Administrative Law with dynamically developing legal regulations. The issues concerning the residence of foreigners is currently very relevant due to the number of foreigners that enter the territory of the Czech Republic, residing and settling h...

Bakeš, Petr Jan
Bodové hodnocení porušení povinností stanovených zákonem o silničním provozu

The subject of this diploma thesis is to describe the driver´s penalty point system related to specific road traffic offences and to point out further consequences when accumulating points on the driving account in the driver´s penalty point system. The diploma thesis includes a&#x...

Herbst, Lukáš
Hmotněprávní úprava přestupků

The aim of the thesis is to describe legislation of transgression in substantial law in the Czech Republic. I tried to describe the essential characteristics of administrative punishment and its general institutes. The historical background of administrative punishment is outlined. The first...

Kolář, Karel
Přestupkové řízení v 1. stupni

The author attempted to turn the attention of a professional reader to the process of offence proceedings focused on the 1. degree under the influence of the amendment no. 204/2015 of the Legal Code and its current transformation of the Offence statute no. 200/1990 o...

Peter, Jakub
Nabývání státního občanství České republiky udělením, prohlášením a pozbývání státního občanství České republiky

My theses deals with the legal conditions and rules governing the citizenship of the Czech Republic. The first part of my paper is aimed on a notion of the citizenship and its specification. The second part contains a short description of a historical overview of the ...

Kosařová, Tereza
Komparace zákona o státní kontrole a nového kontrolního řádu

The diploma thesis is focused on the comparison of The Act On Public Control of 1991 and the new Inspection Code which became effective on January 1, 2014. First of all it is necessary to name and divide the types of supervision activities, then to show The Act&...

Kvasničková, Lucie
Právní odpovědnost za ekologickou újmu na úseku ochrany přírody, krajiny a biodiverzity

This thesis deals with a legal liability in the field of environmental protection. In the early chapters it deals with a brief definition of the environmental law, the concept of liability in general, as well as the different types of liabilities important for this area. ...

Procházka, Ondřej
Kompetenční spory (podle zákona 131/2002 Sb.)

This thesis summarizes the problems of conflicts of competence, which is dealt with before a special Senate established by law no. 131 / 2002Sb . Substantial part is also a summary of a few selected representative case law related to the topic .

Kubaňová, Lucie
Správní trestání na úseku živnostenského podnikání

The main target of this theses was to try to bring an ordinary businessman near to the possibilities of punitive sanction from the trade offices while dealing with single cases of administrative delicts, as well as to clarify the reasoning and the material that an adminis...

Klacková, Lucie
Nepovolená stavba v judikatuře správních soudů

This thesis called "Illegal Construction in the Practice of Administrative Courts" discusses about the issue of "black building", properly speaking illegal construction by the building Act. The main focus of the thesis is confrontation with the practice of administrative courts,&#x...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 181 až 200 z 333