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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 39
Abushamah, Hussein Abdulkareem Sale
Optimisation of Renewable and SMR Energy Mix

The air conditioning sector is one of the major contributors to electricity consumption and carbon emissions in many regions over the world. For example, in hot climate regions such as the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), about half of the annual generated electricity is for ai...

Závorka, Jiří
Optimalizace skladování vyhořelého jaderného paliva

Legislative and criticality safety margins are commonly achieved by placing neutron absorbers in the cask basket design. Currently, boron content in steel or aluminium alloy is exclusively used in spent nuclear fuel transport and storage facilities absorber components as the absorber materia...

Hrbek, Jan
Chování taveniny při tavení kovových a nekovových materiálů elektromagnetickou indukcí ve studeném kelímku

The presented thesis is devoted to designing methods for measuring the properties of materials at temperatures higher than 2000 °C and their verification. These are methods for determining liquidus temperature and density. Confirmation of the proposed methods compares the measured and refere...

Jiřinec, Jakub
Efektivní řízení TZB a obnovitelných zdrojů energie pro bytové a komerční objekty

The presented PhD dissertation deals with effective management of selected technical equipment of buildings in combination with a photovoltaic power plant. The first part is devoted to the issue of recuperation units, for which measuring and control systems were designed and created. Th...

Hromádka, Aleš
Inovativní energetické koncepce kombinované výroby elektřiny a tepla

Central cogeneration power plants have already been operated with original technologies for decades. Back pressure turbines have not currently been sustainable technology. Reasons of their unsustainability are operation impossibility during insufficient heat requirements and insufficient operational flexibilit...

Vykuka, Roman
Rozvoj a provoz distribučních sítí se zaměřením na zabezpečení a kvalitu dodávek elektrické energie

The thesis deals with the change of the conception of the medium-voltage network in terms of development, topology, and operation scenarios, with a focus on increasing the power supply reliability. The paper summarizes the trends that shape the whole energy sector and introduces th...

Vajnar, Vladimír
Nestandardní případy vypínání zkratů - interakce elektrických a mechanických dějů

The thesis deals with the topic of nonstandard cases of high voltage circuit breakers' operations, emphasizing short circuits with asymmetrical currents and the danger of delayed current zeros occurrence. The key aspect is the assessment of breaking capability of circuit breakers located...

Mužík, Václav
Optimalizace spotřeby energie včetně netradičních přeměn energie

Presented PhD dissertation is an output project of my doctoral studiues. It defines island operation as a complex issue and it analyzes how to approach the possibility of island operation. Question of frequency stability in the moment of transition of city of Pilsen in to ...

Jiřinec, Stanislav
Vysokoteplotní tavení nekovových materiálů elektromagnetickou indukcí ve studeném kelímku

The dissertation thesis is focused on the high-temperature melting by electromagnetic induction in a cold crucible. The first section briefly describes the issue (compact and segmented cold crucible) focusing primarily on the start-up process during melting the electrically non-conductive material.&#x...

Janda, Zbyněk
Analýza ovlivňování blízkých produktovodů elektrickými venkovními vedeními a kabely

The thesis is focused on the analysis of negative effects of overhead lines and cables on insulated steel pipes. The thesis elaborates on the distribution of the electromagnetic field in the surroundings of the affected pipelines with respect to the nearby mitigation wires and ...

Kutáč, Jiří
Působení bleskového proudu a přepětí na osoby a na elektrická a elektronická zařízení uvnitř budov s návrhem možných ochranných opatření s ohledem na tyto vlivy

This doctoral thesis deals with the effects of lightning discharge on indoor electrical installations in buildings. It focusses on the choice of a suitable mathematical model that could be implemented into the engineering practice. The first part describes the way how the lightning ...

Raková, Lenka
Obnovitelné zdroje v elektroenergetice

The decentralized electricity generation from photovoltaic power plants is accompanied by unfavourable consequences on the operation and regulation of the Czech Republic electricity system. The aim of the doctoral thesis is to evaluate the possibilities of the frequency and voltage control i...

Lovecký, Martin
Zvyšování účinnosti jaderného paliva použitím vyhořívajících absorbátorů

The thesis describes the development, validation and use of UWB1 code intended for fast calculation of nuclear fuel depletion in burnable absorber research. The degree of effectiveness of burnable absorbers in the form of natural abundance elements, nuclides and their combinations are c...

Vaněk, Josef
Stanovení hygienických podmínek pro efektivní užití sálavého vytápění

Nowadays, progress and improvement of various techniques in the field of heating of family houses and flats has been continued. Heating using the electricity seems to be the most comfortable. Moreover, it has also a number of indisputable advantages. Its main benefit is that t...

Benešová, Hana
Nové trendy v oblasti solárních systémů

The renewable energy sources (abbr RES), mainly the photovoltaic (PV) cells, take more remarkable place in the power engineering in the connection with worldwide increasing energy demand, decrescent reserves of "traditional" non-renewable energy sources and with increasing environment pollution.&...

Šnajdr, Jaroslav
Dynamická proudová zatížitelnost vodičů přenosové soustavy

The presented dissertation thesis deals with a solution of peak power loads effects on transmission lines, which was achieved by an application of dynamic line rating methods into the information system for transmission system operators. The topic is of a very high importance and&#...

Lucák, Jiří
Optimalizace řízení elektrotepelných zařízení s nepřímým ohřevem

The present dissertation thesis is focused on electrical resistance heating which shall be un-derstood as a universal solution to be used in various applications of heat treatment within industrial plants. The content hereof is particularly aimed to present innovative elements in the de...

Síťař, Vladislav
Tvorba modelovacích analytických nástrojů v oboru elektroenergetiky s důrazem na oblast spolehlivosti a provozu venkovních vedení

This thesis deals with the modelling of selected parts and elements of electric power systems and their application in the context of real research activities. Elementary arguments regarding the modelling of particular elements of electric power systems are described. For them, respective&#x...

Krutina, Aleš
Energetická bilance a optimalizace řízení toků energie

The thesis deals with energy flows and the ways of the grid controlling. The communication in the grid is the most significant aspect of nowadays. Therefore, the thesis is very focused on the communication aspects and a progressive technology in the meaning of power industry&#...

Laštovka, Ladislav
Možnost využití turbogenerátorů při přechdu částsi ES do ostrovního provozu

This thesis deals with problems which occur when steam electrical units switch into the island operation. These units operate on basic of transformation of thermal to electrical energy. This transformation is insured with turbogenerators which use the turbine as a thermal motor. Keeping...

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 39