Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2022 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Klepacz, Martyna
Sturdy structures - building a bridge in an elementary school This didactic project is designed for technology classes in elementary school. The aim of the project is to show the students what the stiffness and strength of a building depend on, on the example of bridges. The issues presented in the presentation can be the... |
Mikuda, Martin
Trebuchet and its use in education Objectives: Using the application of techniques of manual, machining of materials and 3D printing, discussed during the teaching of the subject Design and construction, to make a product usable in teaching. The product should contain interdisciplinary overlaps. Description: The trebu... |
Moc, Pavel
Manipulator programming Foxone in technical education The Foxone learning building kit consists of a conveyor assembly, a handling arm and a control unit. It is a kit made by company Teco a. s. It can be used to perform simple tasks focused on basic logic functions such as AND, OR, etc. The output can&#... |
Vácová, Ingrid
Design and construction in technical education in elementary school This diploma thesis focuses on describing and implementing design and construction in technical education in elementary schools. It discusses how technical education has evolved in the Czech Republic over the past years, as well as its current state. It defines the ways to evolve&#... |
Ludvík, Roman
The French revolution via gamification The paper deals with the issue of gamification elements in primary education. Readers are introduced withGoalbook, ClassDojo and Classcraft, applicationswhich increase motivation through game mechanisms and principles and also offer alternative tools forclass agenda. It also includes the ... |
Knetl, Jan
Didactic aid for teaching pneumatic systems and automation The goal of my work is to introduce the use of pneumatic systems in industrial automation to primary school students. I made a teaching panel that extends the pneumatic system from Festo. In the design of the panel as much emphasis as possible was placed on&#x... |
Vasko, Kateřina
Experiments with hydrogel for elementary school I have taken an inspiration in bachelor thesis with title "Use of hydrogel in the context of cultivation work" and I have created online padlet which can be used in class. Padlet consist of basic explanation of what the hydrogel is, where can we find ... |
Kindelmann, Tomáš
Didactic aid for children on traffic signs Teaching aid for children learning traffic signs. This portable educational game will help children to better remember traffic signs, where children learn in a fun way. Easily portable, compact and very practical / educational for children. |
Švejdová, Kateřina
Teaching in the area of a person and their world in the context of using digital technologies The topic of this diploma thesis is the use of digital technologies for teaching in the area of A person and their world in the primary school. The first part of the thesis was devoted to the theoretical description of the selected digital technologies. In&#x... |
Kaňka, Jan
Honzík, Pavel
Insects house When we thought about how we could help improve and save the lives of bees, we decided to make an insect house that we could place anywhere in the garden, park or city park. Our goal was to bring the insects closer to humans. In recent years, insects... |
Váňa, František
Spherical photos in virtual reality Virtual reality is slowly getting to more and more people. It is also being discovered that VR can be used for more than just playing video games, it can also be useful for teaching. The expansion of VR technology in schools is also supported by the fact&... |
Gilar, Vojtěch
Van de Graaff generator The contribution Van de Graaff's Generator and experiments in technology was generated as a result of an individual effort by a student of the department of technical and vocational education, who created a teaching aid to illustrate the principles of electrostatics in technology.&#... |
Anastasia, Griva
Christos, Zotos
Stefanos, Armakolas
The utilization of STEM methodology and the new role of the teacher Nowadays, technology is rapidly penetrating many areas of daily life while decisively influencing many human activities. In addition, it continues to have a significant impact in the field of education, especially in secondary education. Today, most schools in Greece are equippe... |
Klouda, Vladislav
Four in a row The aim of the work was to create a board game "four in a row" using technologies that are available in primary schools. |
Glykeria, Filippou
Anastasia, Sotiriou
Eleni, Armakola
The use of innovative technology in special education: occupational therapy intervention and daily life Nowadays new technologies are increasingly used in the treatment of patients and people experiencing difficulties. Τhe plethora of research based upon the use of new technologies with reference to special disorders. The aim of the conducted research is to proceed into an &#x... |
Sladký, Luděk
Didactic aids in the field of professional electrical engineering education The final work deals with the design, creation and practical verification of teaching material for professional technical education. The theoretical part is focused on theoretical assumptions, defining the area of preparation and requirements in a specific branch of electrical engine... |
Háková, Jana
Construction kits as a means for development of technical literacy in children preschool age I focused my thesis on polytechnic education and research of construction activities. The work is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part I deal with polytechnic education, technical literacy, preschool period and the game connected with ... |
Mašek, Tomáš
The creation of an online course for KMT/GKOA subject in the context of education The aim of this bachelor thesis was a creation of an online course for a subject named Technical Documentation for Teachers A. The online course is running on the Moodle platform. This body of work includes a theoretical description of online courses, it's trends and ... |
Motyčková Karpíšková, Pavla
Technical materials - products for the 6th to 7th grade of primary school The diploma thesis is a reflection or even a reaction to the requirements of society in the issue of technical literacy of students and teachers. A detailed analysis of professional literature, publications and resources, which is paid attention to in the first part of&... |
Nedvědová, Jana
Game activities in math This work is generally devoted to activities in the teaching of mathematics in primary school. At the beginning of the work, the word "game" is defined, I described its meaning in the child's life is stated and the connection between learning and that game... |
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