Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KIV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 81 až 100 z 603
Urban, Petr
Automatizované generování seznamu publikací z elektronických zdrojů

The goal of this bachelor thesis was to get acquainted with the principles and technologies of web services, and with the data structures and applications for manipulating bibliographic records or lists of publications. Consequently, based on this knowledge, a web application&#x...

Bozděch, Josef
Mobilní klient pro monitorování IT zdrojů

The goal of this thesis is the analysis and comparison of existing monitoring systems and mobile applications, which are compatible with these systems, and developing a new application, which will be compatible with a chosen monitoring system. React Native framework will be used to...

Šíma, Václav
Sada úloh pro středoškolskou demonstrační laboratoř techniky

This bachelor thesis describes how methodical materials for the technology laboratories at the Sokolov grammar school were made. These task assign- ments will serve as exercises for external grammar school visitors. They will also assist in teaching information technology subjects.&#...

Kůta, David
Komplexní testy webové aplikace

This bachelor thesis entitled Comprehensive tests of a web application deals with the issue of testing and improving the quality of web applications. The result of this work is a comprehensive set of Selenium tests that optimally covers the application under test in terms of&#...

Pelikán, Jan
Prototyp klientské aplikace pro komunitní překlad textů z kulturních institucí

This bachelor's thesis aims to design a mobile application that enables museum visitors to interpret and experience information about exhibits in their chosen language. The thesis deals with the development and functionality of the design of this application, developed for mobile phones&...

Kment, Tomáš
Grafické uživatelské rozhraní pro OpenSim plug-in automatického generování svalových vláken

This bachelor thesis analyzes the structure of the open-source software architecture employed in the OpenSim system in order to extend it with a graphical interface for the Muscle Wrapping 2.0 plug-in. Based on the performed analysis as well as the plug-in analysis, possible interf...

Krajňák, Jan
Automatická detekce klíčových slov v textu

This thesis deals with automatic keywords extraction from documents. First, it analyzes already existing approaches to solve the problem then tests some of the methods on a dataset from SemEval 2010 competition. Same methods are then tested on a completely new czech da...

Levora, Miroslav
Efektivní implementace registrace 3D povrchů

The goal of this work is the effective implementation of the algorithm for surface registration developed at KIV.

Jež, Dominik
Datová kostka pro analýzy výzkumu a vývoje inovací pro datový sklad ZČU

This presented bachelor's thesis deals with the issue of data warehousing and the process of data gain from the CEP, which belongs to the International System of Research, Development, and Innovations. This thesis describes the process of retrieving data from the API IS V...

Holický, Petr
Uživatelské výpočty nad time-series databází

The thesis focused on time-series databases and the application of equations on data. Several databases were compared and based on the results one was selected. A comparison on two programming languages was also done on this database. The final program can process user equations,&#...

Hrabík, Václav
Rozšíření dat pro zpracování biologického signálu

There have been a lot of attempts of human (animal) brain simulation. Analogue neural networks were the first major step. These neural networks have various sub-types. All these types work with continuous data but this data is not available every time. Spiking neural networks ...

Chodora, Jan
Výběr obchodní strategie s podporou neuronové sítě

This thesis focuses on investments on the capital market, mainly on trading decisions based on a neural networks predictions. First, the data is downloaded from its sources, then it proceeds with to be normalized and pre-processed using indicators from the technical analysis. The r...

Saleh, Josef Yassin
Návrh detektoru pohybu z naměřených EEG dat

Uses of BCIs are very versatile and their possibilities are many. One of the possible uses is to detect movement in EEG data. Movement detection in EEG data is usually done by extracting feature vectors using Spatial filters. They are then passed to classifiers, th...

Hrkalová, Hana
2D vizualizace výsledků hierarchicky strukturovaných testů

This bachelor thesis deals with the visualization of hierarchically structured test results. A test management tool is used in the KIV/OKS course to display the continuity of the results. However, with large amounts of data, the display of continuity becomes opaque. Th...

Hinterholzinger, Jan
Softwarová podpora organizace předmětů TSP

The bachelor thesis deals with the design of a system to support the organization of TSP subjects. The aim is to design and implement a robust web application with controlled access, which is based on the specification of the subject. Part of the work is to select&#x...

Kalivodová, Hana
Scrolling Song Book - zpěvník s automatickým posunem textu

The aim of this work is to develop an application that will display song lyrics with chords using a clear simple user interface. The application will use spectral analysis of the incoming sound to evaluate the chords in the played music. Based on the evaluate...

Štilip, Jiří
Simulace léčby diabetu s využitím hardwarových prvků

The goal of this bachelor's thesis is to create hardware devices (namely a mocked CGM sensor, a mocked insulin pump and a controller) able to simulate treatment of the diabetes mellitus disease in order to verify software algorithms meant for real-life applications. Firstly, th...

Linhart, Tomáš
Jednoduchý laser game systém

Point of this thesis is to design and implement hardware and software used to play LaserGame. In teoretical part of the thesis multiple existing solutions used for playing LaserGame are explored and own solution using mobile data network to transfer data is designed. Optics to...

Koldovská, Aneta
Analyzátor VPN komunikace

This thesis focuses on the development of a program which analyzes VPN communication and detects its participants. First, the general concept and function of VPN is explained. Then, the principles of operation of selected VPN protocols are examined. Subsequently, test scenarios o...

Schnurpfeil, Daniel
Klasifikátor architektonických slohů ze snímků budov

The aim of this work is to develop an application that will classify a loaded image of the object (building) from a built-in mobile device or mobile camera into one of the architectural styles such as gothic, renaissance, baroque, art nouveau, functionalism, and o...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 81 až 100 z 603