Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KIV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 101 až 120 z 603
Rosa, Jaroslav
Testování modelů in-silico na platformě SmartCGMS

The main topic of the thesis is in-silico testing of patients with diabetes mellitus. First input for the testing is a scenario file. Therefore it is necessary to create an application which would help to create those scenarios. Then in the second part of the application&...

Klimeš, Jakub
Logická/elektronická stavebnice

There is plenty of theory behind logical systems, but it is perhaps as important to actually try out such circuits for oneself. Therefore numerous logical kits and simulators are available. This work focuses on merging purely hardware kits with purely software simulators so t...

Müller, Radek
Využití Google Awareness na platformě Android

The present bachelor thesis aims to investigate Awareness API created by Google. The knowledge gained in the research will be used for implementation of the application in Android platform which will employ the Awareness API. The thesis comprises a theoretical analysis where theme...

Treml, Filip
Analýza a segmentace historických obrazových dokumentů

Segmentation process of historical document images is important for their conversion into text form. The goal of segmentation process is find areas containing text and save them into a PAGE xml file, which contains all important information about the specific page of the document.&...

Matějka, Jakub
Klasické a impulzní neuronové sítě

Spiking Neural Networks (SNN) are a promising successor to the widely used Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). SNNs aim to be as bio-plausible as possible. However, such behavior is time and energy consuming on the Von-Neumann architecture. Therefore, an entirely new architecture called n...

Čácha, Pavel
Prototyp serverové části pro komunitní překlad popisků z muzeí

The main goal of this thesis is to create a server for community translation of museum labels, which can also be used by exhibitions, galleries or similar cultural institutions. A web interface for translators and institution administrators is prepared to manage the se...

Zikmund, Tomáš
Robotický barman

This bachelor's thesis, entitled Robotic bartender, deals with a creation of a robotic device which aim is to reliably prepare and dispense mixed alcoholic beverages. At the beginning it was necessary to explore a wide range of implementation issues of such device and based...

Hrubý, Jaroslav
Vizualizace rozsáhlých grafů

The goal of this thesis is the extension of IMiGEr tool - Interactive Multimodal Graph Explorer to the problematic of the mutual compatibility of the application components and libraries. In theoretical part all related topics are discussed and the design of this extension is ...

Horáček, Valentin
Monitoring funkcionality webových aplikací

The bachelor thesis focuses on the issue of monitoring of web applications with user defined functions. The main goal is to design and implement a web interface for uploading and periodically executing of monitoring scripts based on user requirements. In addition to th...

Ott, Tomáš
Detekce vybraných aktivit diabetického pacienta z běžně dostupných dat

This bachelor thesis is mainly focused on data collection of the patient with diabetes mellitus disease and detection of possible activities from it. This collection is limited only to data from commonly available devices. To which we can classify devices like fitness bands or ...

Šilhavý, Karel
Konfigurovatelné získávání grafových dat z otevřených zdrojů

Within this bachelor thesis was created a tool that allows configurable obtaining graph data from open sources of the information. The tool is design to work specifically with the semi-structured tables on Wikipedia called infoboxes. It links the data in the desired way based ...

Lešek, Jan
Vizualizace výpočetní kapacity pro maloobchodní business procesy

The bachelor thesis is focused on designing and developing a new tool named Cloud sizing tool for company Eurosoftware s.r.o.. The tool is going to substitute current time~consuming variant~creation, thus making the whole process more efficient. The tool is intended for company's co...

Zahradník, Lukáš
Robot pro sledování čáry pro Android

The purpose of this thesis is to test the abilities of Android smartphones as a central control unit for automatic vehicles and creation of API, with which we could easily implement custom application suitable for this task. Easiest way to control path of automatic movin...

Tothová, Tereza
Využití VR pro trénink personálu jaderné elektrárny

The aim of this thesis is to create a VR application intended for use in nuclear engineering. It should make training of nuclear power plant personnel easier and more effective and focus on workers exposed to ionizing radiation. This work delves into research on VR ...

Werner, Václav
Webový nástroj pro vizualizaci toku v síti

This bachelor thesis is concentrated on the design and implementation of a web application, which would allow its users to visualize graph data. In addition to visualization, the application also enables the user to calculate node significance using user supplied libraries and to t...

Engl, Karel
Šablony zdrojového kódu

This thesis is focused on generating code from templates (scaffolding). Several scaffolding tools were analyzed and from this analysis and from company recommendation Yeoman was chosen. After validations of tool posibilites and comparation with company needs, suitable areas for code&...

Dub, Martin
Aplikace pro studijní agendu základní školy s webovou službou

This bachelor thesis deals with design and implementation of application for study agenda of elementary school. The interface of the application is provided using web services. The main purpose of the application is to be part of a benchmark for software testing tools....

Zeman, Matěj
Automatické rozpoznávání dialogových aktů v tištěných textech

The work deals with the design and implementation of a prototype system for converting input data into scanned texts. It also deals with the recognition of text from the resulting images and the subsequent recognition of dialogue acts from these texts.

Černogurský, Jan
Analýza historických katastrálních map

The bachelor thesis focuses on the issue of image processing using neural networks. The aims of the work are to get acquainted with the available libraries for the implementation of neural networks, and with the supplied historical follows an analysis of the maps and understan...

Mikešová, Adéla
Analýza existujících mobilních průvodců po muzeích a památkách

This thesis deals with analyzing existing mobile sightseeing guides and designing mobile application focused on community translation within a generic mobile guide. The theoretical part is focused on existing interactive technologies for the development of mobile applications and the parameters o...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 101 až 120 z 603