Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KFI) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 481 až 500 z 798
Duliškovičová, Petra
Jan Janský - významná osobnost české lékařské vědy

This thesis deals with prominent Czech scientist Jan Janský, the discoverer of the fourth blood type. The work is divided into three main chapters. This thesis gives the reader a comprehensive view of not only the personality of Jan Janský, but also on issues of history&#...

Ondráček, Michal
Montaigneovy a Baconovy Eseje v kontextu renesanční filosofie

Describe in detail the relationship of the individual works of Michel de Montaigneho and Francis Bacon. The aim is to explain the various ideas in the context of Renaissance philosophy. Describe and analyze their life and reflect their ideas in their own lives such as Mon...

Václavíková, Michaela
Katolická církev v podmínkách 2. světové války

The thesis deals with the mapping relations between the Catholic Church and Nazi Germany in the prewar period and 1939-1945. Are listed here popes who held at this time pontificate, and describes their efforts to avert war. Are described contracts, documents and statements showing&...

Havránková, Eliška
Josef Hlávka - významná osobnost české vědy a techniky

This bachelor thesis deals with a notable figure of Czech science and techniques, Josef Hlávka. Whole thesis is dividend in three parts. Firstly his childhood, studies and personal life are focused. The second part deals with his famous architectonic works. Third part looks at ...

Křenová, Tereza
Aspekt egodeismu ve filosofické a beletristické reflexi

The bachelor´s thesis deals with the egodeism in the works of Friedrich Nietzsche, Ladislav Klima, Leonid Andreyev and F.M. Dostoevsky. The objective of bachelor´s thesis was to provide comprehensive study of egodeism and make a final comparison based on the concepts explained. In ...

Duffková, Kateřina
Vznik Trojspolku (1882)

The topic of my bachelor´s thesis is formation of Triple Aliance in 1882. This is an aliance established by connection of three powers - Italy, Austria-Hungary and Germany. Triple Alliance was established on the basis of developments in the international political situation, preceded&#x...

Kletečka, Pavel
Paradoxy a kontroverze Quineovy filozofie

The bachelor thesis focuses on a person of W.V.O Quine as well as a critical evaluation of his work. It represents the main pillars of his philosophy and some of his results, mainly an epistemology origin. It represents some of his thoughts of the paradoxical and con...

Gyebrovszká, Lenka
Ifigenie. Srovnání vybraných uměleckých zpracování námětu.

The object of the Bachelor thesis is the character of Iphigenia which has become a frequent adaptation in the world literature. The work is focused on Euripides, Racine and Cacaoyannise adaptations of this theme. The aim of this work is subsequent comparison of the major ...

Ficuová, Lucie
"Vzorce člověka" - srovnání vybraných chápání a vymezení člověka

This bachelor thesis deals with the interpretation and comparison of the different conceptions of human as perceived in the teaching of Friedrich Nietzsche and Plato. In the thesis it is introduced the philosophical anthropology of both thinkers and some of the divergences between ...

Fikejzová, Klára
Pražská záchranná služba. Vznik a společensko-kulturní kontext.

This bachelor thesis deals with City of Prague Emergency Medical Service, its genesis and social-cultural context. The topic and methods of research are presented in the Introduction. First chapter describes basic social and cultural transformation related to big cities founded in the 1...

Šetková, Martina
Knihtisk ve Vimperku

I chose book printing in Vimperk as a topic of my bachelor thesis. At first I described development, work of J. Gutenberg and beginning of book printing in Bohemia. After that I mention Johan Alakraw, who started printing books in Vimperk in 1484. His follower was Ja...

Škardová, Iva
Muži a ženy: otázky komunikace a dorozumění mezi muži a ženami ve světle filozofie dialogu.

This Bachelor project is concerned with the question of communication between men and women. we discuss communication in general and analyze the parts of which the interpersonal communication consists (verbal and non-verbal). We present and describe individual types of conversation and dialo...

Mrázová, Věra
Vztahy lidské společnosti k životnímu prostředí z pohledu Erazima Koháka

Bachelor thesis discusses the philosophical views of Erazim Kohák in relation to the current environmental problems. It presents a comparison of Kohák's approaches, as well as approaches of other authors. This discussion relates to the issue of the conception of human being and ...

Nováková, Markéta
Klášter premonstrátů Teplá. Osobnosti vědy a školství

This Bachelor thesis deals of birth, rise and history the Premonstratensian order in Bohemia - specifically the Monastery of Teplá. It descripes the founder beatified Hroznata.It points out for unusual importance the personatlities of science, culture and education which applied there. It&#x...

Čiháková, Tereza
Renesanční politická filosofie: Niccolo Machiavelli

This thesis deals primarily with the analysis of key terms Machiavelli's philosophy in social and political context. It shows a career of a philosopher and tries to bring his most important works: The Prince and Debates. Understanding and explanation of main concepts of Machiav...

Jež, Petr
Plótinos a Jedno

This work is an explication of the philosophy of Plotinos.About His description of the principle of the One or the Good. About humans place in this world. About the greatest humans desire which is the reunification with the One. And how Plotinus thinking and platonism had...

Chrenka, Matej
Gestika a mimika jako součást neverbální komunikace s ohledem na kulturní odlišnosti

Thesis is focusing on nonverbal communication. It contains general part which is speaking about communication and nonverbal communication. Next part contains historical developement of nonverbal communication. The rest of thesis has comparative nature. Here can be found intercultural differences betwe...

Vozková, Kristýna
José Ortega y Gasseta - publicista, editor a zakladatel Madridské školy

This bachelor thesis represents an important spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset. I focus mainly on his journalistic and editorial activity, but of course I will outline the important informations about his life and his philosophical system. I mention foundation of the journal ...

Homulková, Tereza
Osobnost španělské filozofie Motiv smrti v díle španělského filozofa M. de Unamuna

This thesis deals with the theme of death and suffering in the writings of the spanish philosopher M. de Unamuno. It is introduced author's philosophy and its possible inclusion to irrationalism, existentialism and voluntarism. It explains the terms of Unamuno's philosophy as th...

Lukešová, Nikola
Láska a nenávist

This bachelor´s thesis deals with the interpretation of love and hate, especially on the basis of two important psychologists Erich Fromm and Carl Gustav Jung. The introduction describes the general characteristics of love and hate from literature by Peter Lauster or M. Scott Peck....

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 481 až 500 z 798