Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KFI) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 461 až 480 z 798
Anderlová, Jana
Křesťanské církve ve XX.století

The author's goal was to track the evolution of Evangelical Christian Fellowship of Czech Brethren. The beginning describes time of Hussites with showing the place of Evangelists in the history up to the recent times in this Church. Author's aim was to describe the mos...

Vaňhová, Monika
Hérakleitos z Efesu versus Eleaté v náhledu na pohyb

The essay "Heraclitus of Ephesus versus Elea in view of the movement" introduces views and opinions related to the movements in the early age of the Antic philosophy. There are two different movement opinions introduces. Heraclitus found world and life as dynamic, variable...

Rataj, Jakub
Krajina - prostor člověka

My work deals with a space and a landscape perception problems in works of J. Sádlo, CH. N.-Schulze a D. Abram. A theoretical presumption are phenomenological researches made during Twntieth Century by E. Husserl, his disciple M. Heidegger and M. M.-Ponty. One of the task ...

Štochl, Pavel
Úloha duchovenské péče v penologickém prostředí

The main topic of this Bachelor Thesis is the interconnection of the Christian ideals with the special characteristics of the penal environment. The author in his work analyzes the penological environment contrary to the meaning of the religious care in the line of historical ...

Merglová, Kateřina
Sokratovský elenchos

This work is about Socratic elenchus in Plato's earlier works. It is focussed to structure of argumentation in Hippias Minor.

Motejzíková, Karolína
Lidská vůle v pojetí Arthura Schopenhauera

The thesis refers of the transpersonal willpower in philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer and it focuses on a relation to human.

Mottl, Martin
Koncept nevědomé mysli

Concept of the unconscious mind in thoughts of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung and Leopold Szondi. Sigmund Freud sees the unconscious as a manifestation of symptoms, Carl Gustav Jung talks about the symbolic manifestations of the unconscious and Leopold Szondi points to an unconscious det...

Kortusová, Barbora
Perzekuce židů v českých zemích ve středověku se zaměřením na vládu Karla IV.

The bachelor thesis is focused on the persecution of Jews in the Middle Ages, especially with regard to pogroms during the reign of Charles IV. and on his life. It also has the origin of the Jewish nation, his life in the Middle Ages, coming to the Czech la...

Kovář, Petr
Zánik východořímské říše a jeho důsledky

The topic of this bachelor thesis was to analyse the causes and circumstances that led to the demise of the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium) and describe the possible consequences that this historical fact was the further development of Christianity. In addition, work was also ...

Kadlec, Tomáš
Ludvík XIV. jako politik a státník

The work deals with the French king Louis XIV and his concept of absolutism and defining the general characteristics of the historical development in France in the European context. It is also defined by the general meaning of "absolutism" and its indications in political...

Janečková, Tereza
Základní myšlenky Senecovy etiky

This bachelor's final project is about Seneca's philosophy. Especially it describes Seneca's conception of virtue, bliss, fate, death, suicide.

Čížová, Žaneta
Sociální a citový vývoj dítěte vzdělávaného v lesní mateřské škole

Bachelor thesis introduces an alternative form of pre-school education for children in Forest Schools . It focuses on the impact of this alternative method of preschool education on children's development. This thesis presents current knowledge about social, emotional and other skills of...

Havlíčková, Žaneta
Reflexe původního náboženství Indie v díle Mircea Eliadeho.

The main aim of work is analysis of selected Mircea Eliade´s scientific and literary works. With help with relevant secundary sources is specified context of religious and spiritual development of Indian subcontinent.

Adamovicová, Barbora
Perzekuce Židů na Karlovarsku v období 2. světové války

This work deals with the persecution of Jews during the second World War in Karlovy Vary. This work is opening by chapter about the arrival of the Jews in Bohemia and their settling in the country. After that it analyzes the individual districts in the Karlovy Vary&#...

Dobešová, Radka
Vývoj názorů na vztah člověka k přírodě

Professional work deals with the development of views on man's relationship to nature. Includes description of environmental ethics and their directions-anthropocentrism, biocentrism,ecocentrism and teocentrism. Interest in the environmental movement as well as shallow and deep ecology. The second half...

Šrajer, Jan
Jan Pištěk a jeho působení na plzeňské divadelní scéně

The aim of this work is characterization of actor and later director of theatre company Jan Pištěk and his activity mainly on Pilsen theatre scene. The work is divided to four basic parts. The first part describes progress Czech theatre of second half of 19th century ...

Hrušková, Miroslava
Fenomén lásky a smrti v Schopenhauerově díle

The aim of this work was to summarize possible approaches to notions love and death. From these point of view to given subject matter we concentrated on the appropriate life orientalism and delineations of its use in personal life.

Kubešová, Lucie
Významné vědecké objevy 20. stol. - kmenové buňky

The thesis is dedicated to stem cells problematics, their discovery, research and subsequent utilization in areas like biology and medicine. the treatment based on this approach seems to be very promising and perspective and could mean a big leap in areas concerning tissue and ...

Menšík, Marek
Dějiny knihy, tisku, ostatních médií: renesance, fenomén knihtisku

This work deals with the influence of the printing press and the expansion of literary culture on the development of society and its ideas. Examines letterpress in relation to areas of human activity such as trade, education, culture, or in relation to the Church and the&...

Divišová, Lenka
Renesanční kosmologie - Kusánský, Bruno

Bakalářská práce se zabývá kosmologickými koncepcemi tří renesančních filosofů Mikuláše Kusánského, Mikuláše Koperníka a Giordana Bruna. Záměrem bylo ukázat a vzájemně porovnat podstatné znaky těchto koncepcí se zaměřením na určení středu, obvodu a meziprostoru v poznatelném vesmíru. Vývoj kosmologických&#...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 461 až 480 z 798