Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KFI) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 501 až 520 z 798
Vlnová, Jitka
Vědomí a subjektivní zkušenost: vědomí a bolest

This thesis describes the terms consciousness, subjective experience and pain. These three also create the main chapters of the thesis. The first part describe consciousness from the view of three scientific disciplines like psychology, neuroscience and philosophy. Mostly the consciousness is...

Populová, Lenka
Zkušenost a význam smrti v lidském životě

this thesis is foused on human emotions associated with death and dying in the point of view of psychological, social-psychological and philosophical determinants. The first part deals with specific emotions that are for a better overview, divided into negative and positive. the second&...

Jopková, Nikola
Téma ženy ve filozofii

My bachelor work provides insight into the development of women and their conception of the philosophical tradition. There is described a picture of a woman caught in the philosophical works of artists from ancient times to the present. The work focuses on the description of&#...

Fišerová, Šárka
Ekologická etika

The study describes the history of vegetarianism in ethics. It is focused on concepts of philosophers of Occident. The purpose of this study is to introduce speciesism in the works of Peter Singer as animals testing and factory farming.

Vallová, Simona
Láska a závislost - filozofie a psychologie lidských vztahů

My work is about the love and addiction in interpersonal relationships. The work takes the form of comparison of selected philosophical an psychological authors in the historical context; starting from the antiquity and ending with the modern concept of this phenomenon dating to th...

Hejdová, Nikola
Úloha klášterů v evropském umění (ikonomalba a sochařství)

The bachelor thesis is focused on role of monasteries in a European art. The bachelor thesis has three parts. The first part analyzes a major role of monasteries in European context and how they influenced science, education and art. The second part responds to questions ...

Nová, Jana
Důsledky oddělení křesťanství od judaismu

The main object of the work is to capture the changes that occurred after the separation of Christianity from Judaism. The work is concerned with the liturgy, the rise of the Christian church, missions, and the persecution of Christians, because in all these areas have ch...

Benešová, Aneta
Historie řádu dominikánů v Plzni

The work describes the arrival of The Dominicans to Pilsen and their influence on the city and on inhabitants.

Procházková, Ivana
Vznik a vývoj Knihovny manželů Tomanových v Rožmitále pod Třemšínem

Bachelorarbeit mit dem Titel ?Aufbau und Entwicklung Bibliotheken Ehegatten Toman in Rozmital pod Tremsinem? ist auf die Überwachung der Entwicklung der Bibliothek von den ersten Ideen bis zur Gegenwart fokussiert. Die öfentliche Bibliothek ist ein Phänomen, das sich zu einem itegralen Besta...

Dufek, Luboš
Názorová konfrontace Wittgenstein - Popper (Wittgensteinův pohrabáč)

This work discusses about two great philosophers - Ludwig Wittgenstein and Karl Popper. Wittgenstein and Popper in their opinions often disagreed. One of the major disagreements between Wittgenstein and Popper was the opinion on the strictly universal theories. Popper and Wittgenstein had&#x...

Nožková, Markéta
Ekologická etika

This work deals with the new part of the traditional ethics - ecological ethics, and above all it is focused on anthropocentrism as one of its forms. This work is not only about strong anthropocentrism, but it deals even with its another form, weak anthropocentrism. This&...

Jurčík, Adam
Chrýsippova koncepce sebevraždy na pozadí stoické filozofie

Thesis deals especially with Chrysippos's ethical attitudes to suicide. It follows up topics, in which this philosopher presented reasons, that allow to us to commit suicide.

Hošková, Zdenka
Pojetí krásy v díle Svatého Augustina

Saint Augustine of Hippo is considered not only one of most significant medieval philosophers, but mainly one of most significant aestheticians. Augustine´s entire work is penetrated by aesthetics. He has worked out one writing entirely about aesthetics named Beautiful and Apt,which has ...

Ohanková, Anna
Západní a východní pojetí vědomí

The main aim of this thesis is to compare the understanding of phenomena called consciousness in western and eastern way of thinking. The altered states of consciousness are described. The thesis is focused on near-death experiences.

Gerátová, Tereza
Komunistická propaganda v Československu v letech 1968-1969 a opozice a odpor vůči režimu

The main goal of this thesisis to capture the mood of decline in the period of 20 months. From the initial enthusiasm of the whole society to lethargy. And further, that existed in the period after the invasion in, the opposition and resistance to the regime. The...

Urbanová, Šárka
Ekologická etika

The problem of environmental crisis is not possible to ignore. The first chapter of this thesis is focused to present situation of environmental crisis, to the causes of its rise, the roots of environmental crisis and mainly to man´s relationship to nature. Environmental ethics,&#x...

Vovsová, Marta
Počátky Čech královských

The bachelor's thesis is focused to the conversion of the prince Bohemia to king Bohemia. Start of thesis is focused to the Government of Prince Henry Bretislav, mingling with the intervention of the Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa. The remaining parts are focused to the on...

Kallistová, Jitka
Náboženská reformace za vlády Amenhotepa IV.

The aim of this bachelor?s thesis is to describe the fundamental changes brought about by the religious reformation of Pharaoh Amenhotep IV. The thesis is divided into three major sections. The first section outlines Ancient Egypt: first of all its history and polytheistic religiou...

Erhartová, Nikol
Husitské výpravy za hranice, se zaměřením na slovenské oblasti

The main purpose of this Bachelor thesis was analysis of Hussite expeditions beyond the borders, focused on the Slovak region. This thesis dealed with brief introduction into the Hussite revolution. Subsequently was performed an analysis and chronological description of rides in Bavaria,...

Štádlerová, Daniela
Osobnost knihovníka. Jeho obraz v literatuře a filmu

This bachelor´s work represents the librarian´s role throughout the course of history. The next part of this work looks at the librarian´s role in literature and film. In terms of maintaining impartiality, books and films of different genres, distinction and date of origins were&#x...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 501 až 520 z 798