Diplomové práce / Theses (KHI) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Baranová, Lucie
Dějiny plzeňského divadelnictví The diploma thesis titled The History of Theatre in Pilsen or the city's journey to the New Theatre of J. K. Tyl Theatre deals with the history and development up to the present not only of the theatre tradition of Pilsen, but especially with the history of ... |
Zelenka, Ladislav
Vliv pohybové aktivity na užívání legálních návykových látek u studentů středních a vysokých škol v Plzni The diploma thesis aims to find out whether physical activity has an effect on the use of addictive substances among students of high schools and universities in Pilsen. Several legal addictive substances and their history are described in the theoretical part of this thesis. ... |
Bíba, Jan
Historie československého vojenského letectví na Plzeňsku (1918-1993) The diploma thesis deals with the history of military aviation in the Pilsen region throughout the existence of the independent Czechoslovak state until its division in 1993. Also included is the military function of sports aviation and the issue of domestic and foreign resistance&... |
Němeček, Štefan
Obraz Habsburské monarchie v učebnicích dějepisu. Analýza současné učebnicové provenience pro ZŠ. The diploma thesis focuses on a detailed analysis of the exposition of the Habsburg monarchy in selected history textbooks. The primary objective of the work is to analyze whether the content related to the topic presents an unbiased and complex narrative. Selected textbooks are... |
Šimková, Kamila
Osud parašutisty Viliama Gerika The diploma thesis deals with the personality of the Czechoslovak paratrooper Viliam Gerik, who was sent to the protectorate at the end of March 1942 as a radiotelegrapher of the parachute group Zinc. This group was further formed by npor. Oldřich Pechal and čet. Arnošt M... |
Sebjánová, Markéta
Kulinární dědictví v česko-německém pohraničí na Karlovarsku The thesis deals with the original and contemporary cuisine of the inhabitants who lived in the Czech-German border region in the 20th century in the Karlovy Vary area. The aim of the thesis was to provide a concise historical overview of the region while focusing on ... |
Krejcar, Matyáš
Mimoevropské dějiny v českém vzdělávacím systému The thesis researches the teaching of non-european history at czech high schools. The aim of the thesis is to research, how curricular documents and textbooks of czech education system take into account non-european history and the space it allocates to it. Another part of the... |
Krauzová, Anna
Plzeňská filatelie a Ing. Lumír Brendl This diploma thesis deals with brief history of Czech and Pilsen philately, in the context of which it presents leading philatelist Ing. Lumír Brendl. He was the long-time president of the Union of Czech Philatelists and a member of world philatelic organizations. This famous ... |
Pánková, Adéla
Historické náhrobníky a epitafy v Plzni a na jižním Plzeňsku The master's thesis deals with the documentation of selected three types of sepulchral monuments - gravestones, tombstones and epitaphs in the defined area of the Pilsen-city and Pilsen-south districts. The work is divided into two parts - a general introduction and a catalog o... |
Suchá, Eliška
Dějiny lékařství Problematická místa dějepisného kurikula na regionálních zdravotnických SOŠ The goal of this diploma thesis is the creation of approviate didactic material for teaching selected chapters from the history of medicine as part of history lessons in medical high schools. The material has been compiled based on a detailed analysis of both the state cu... |
Čížková, Marie
Sňatky na radnickém panství v 18. století This master thesis deals with weddings in the Radnice manor in the 18th century. After a brief introduction to the historical development of the manor, there are analyzed the wedding preparations, the wedding ceremony and the situation afterwards. The thesis is focused on the ... |
Růžičková, Karolína
Dějiny hradu a města Loket - exkurze a didaktické materiály pro výuku regionálních dějin In my diploma thesis I am working on the complete history of the town and the castle of Loket. I apply these findings in a methodological manual for teachers, which contains a detailed proposal for an excursion to Loket Castle. The methodology is enriched with didactic... |
Kares, Jaroslav
Osudy zaniklých obcí na Tachovsku po roce 1945 The anticipated thesis project will be focused on selected defunct municipalities in the Tachovsk Region. The period after World War II will be mapped. The aim of this work is to research the historical destinies of about ten defunct municipalities. Methodologically, the work will&... |
Králová, Pavla
Rabštejn nad Střelou po roce 1945 The diploma thesis deals with the modern history of the historic town of Rabstejn nad Strelou, specifically its development since 1945. The thesis is based on available archival sources and interviews with witnesses; it brings a view of the development of Rabstejn after the Second World ... |
Kočíncová, Aneta
Chlumčanské keramické závody od znárodnění po současnost This diploma thesis deals with the Ceramic Plants of Chlumcany from their nationalization in 1945 until the present day. It provides brief information on the history of the plants from their establishment in 1873 to 1945. Subsequently, the thesis becomes more detailed and provides&... |
Polívka, Jiří
Spolek přátel vědy a literatury české This diploma thesis discusses the Association of Friends of Science and Czech Literature in Pilsen, which entered the history of Pilsen as a cultural and educational organization operating in the last quarter of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. The ... |
Žikešová, Nikola
Dějiny malotřídních škol v okresu Domažlice This thesis focuses on the history of small-class schools located in the district of Domažlice. In addition, the thesis deals with the question of teachers and what qualities a teacher in a small-class school should possess. Furthermore, it also mentions the advantages and disadvan... |
Vydra, Lukáš
K dějinám Západočeského seniorátu The document is dedicated to West Bohemian Seniority which is an administrative unit of Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren, which all congregations in Western Bohemia, that is in Pilsen and Karlovy Vary Region, fall under. The document focuses on several chosen chapters of West... |
Ledvinová, Kateřina
Didaktický potenciál chodského folklóru a jeho využití ve výuce dějepisu na druhém stupni základní školy This thesis focuses on the observance of ethnographic rituals in the ethnographic region of Chodsko. The aim of the work is to theoretically and then didactically elaborate the areas that touch upon Chod folklore. The subjects of my interest were in five areas - Chod dial... |
Balvínová, Jana
Analýza příčin neúspěšnosti na VŠ The diploma thesis deals with the issue of student failure at the university. The aim of the work was to map the issue of failure of university students in connection with the student´s individuality, motiavtion, learning strategy, previous practice, lack of interes for commitment.... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra historie / Department of History