Disertační práce / Dissertations (KFI) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Špiclová, Zdeňka
Vědecké metody v religionistice a jejich aplikace v bádání o raném křesťanství The dissertation aims to investigate what a scientific approach to the study of religion can look like (at the theoretical level) and whether new technologies can be used for computer analysis of extant sources (at the level of method). The aim is to reflect on the r... |
Fišerová, Nicole
Goodmanova filozofie jako metodologie vědy The dissertation reflects the thinking of Nelson Goodman in the context of philosophy of science and focuses mainly on the application of pluralism, moderate constructivism and unrealism as general principles of science methodology. The aim of this work is to show how Goodman's ... |
Jedlička, Petr
Experimentální filozofie aplikovaná na koncept objektivity The dissertation presents experimental philosophy and then applies its selected methods to some issues related to objectivity. The work consists of two parts, theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part deals with key concepts of experimental philosophy and the two most important concept... |
Dziurová, Šárka
Koncept vědění Philipa Sidneyho This dissertation focuses on the concept of knowledge in the works of Philip Sidney (1554 ? 1586), an Elizabethan aristocrat, courtier, ambassador and, last but not least, poet, who is described as one of the most remarkable courtier of the Elizabethan age and who became ... |
Špeldová, Monika
Margaret Cavendishová (1623-1673): kritička Royal Society This dissertation analysed key aspects of the critical assessment of the new science practised by members of the Royal Society from 1660 to 1680. The research was based on the investigation of the scientific, social and political activities of Society's most important members. ... |
Jirák, Petr
Nietzscheho kritika vědy The work primarily deals with Nietzsche's relationship to science in various perspectives of his thinking. I present also the genealogical method as Nietzsche's own approach. |
Jiráková, Karolína
Aristotelova teorie poznání: zaměření na induktivní metodu a její reflexi současnými autory The thesis deals with the question of how Aristotle gets to know the first principles and causes. The interpretation is influenced by the interpretation of Aristotle's method, which is connected with the understanding of substance as a compound of matter and form. The presented... |
Zeman, Jan
Vybrané kapitoly z dějin matematiky konce 19. a začátkem 20. století: Hilbertovy Grundlagen der Geometrie v kontextu doby This thesis presents the first Czech translation of David Hilbert's book Grundlagen der Geometrie (1899). In our succeeding text we first present the book from a historical perspective, and we introduce Hilbert's work together with the work of his colleagues, mainly at Göttingen... |
Chalupská, Martina
Filosofická koncepce organicistního pojetí skutečnosti The present dissertation thesis deals with A. N. Whitehead's philosophy of organism, also known as process philosophy, which approaches all being as a dynamic process of permanent becoming and the universe as a set of interconnected actual occasions. Whitehead's metaphysics of proces... |
Dach, Stefanie
Ontologická priorita vědeckého - Wilfrid Sellars, vědecký realismus a pragmatismus My thesis focuses on the work of the 20th century philosopher Wilfrid Sellars and the tensions between his scientific realist and his pragmatist commitments. The aim of my thesis is to offer a reading of Sellars's work that can reconcile these conflicting tendencies. In th... |
Chalupská, Martina
Filosofická koncepce organicistního pojetí skutečnosti The goal of the present PhD thesis is to analyze and evaluate a system of the philosophy of organism introduced by Alfred North Whitehead in which a term substance is superseded by a term organic synthesis. In implementing this goal, contemporary scientific knowledge which inf... |
Bíba, Ondřej
Karl Popper a problém indukce Can we justify the opinion that the future will be to a significant extent similar to the past? That is the tone in which David Hume defined the nowadays traditional version of the problem of induction in the 18th century England and the striving for justification of... |
Paitlová, Jitka
Transformace platónského pojetí sofrosyné Disertation thesis deals in six chapters with intelectual development, methodological foundations and epistemological and science-philosophical problems of critical rationalism of German philosopher Hans Albert. |
Nováková, Veronika
Filosofické reflexe Maxe Plancka v období přerodu klasické a moderní fyziky The aim of this doctoral thesis is to present one of the most famous physicists of the modern age, Max Planck, primarily as a philosopher. A philosopher whose point of view was considerably influenced by classical physics and who was therefore forced, within the framework ... |
Broulíková, Monika
Science centra: vznik, poslání, proměny zaměřené na science centrum Techmania The title of this dissertation is "Science Centers: establishment, mission, changes - focused on Techmania Science Center". As the title itself suggests there are three main areas the paper deals with. The first part of the dissertation is theoretical... |
Pavlas, Petr
Metafora "knihy přírody" a "čitelnosti světa" v dějinách vědy In general, the goal of the thesis is to outline the occurrence and change of the "book of nature" imagery in the history of ideas, especially in the history of science. In particular, the history of this metaphor is related to the metaphorical conception of the... |
Zajíčková, Dagmar
Dějiny pojmu "vědecký pokrok" The main focus of the thesis is to present conceptions of scientific progress from sixteenth to eighteenth century. Renaissance scientists focused on the recovery of the antediluvian science, rather than invention of the new knowledge. The first conceptions of scientific progress are ty... |
Makovský, Jan
Markýz de l'Hospital a Analýza nekonečně malých The basis of my dissertation consists in three rather distinct parts, that is Czech translation, a commentary and introduction to the famous Analyse des infiniment petitis by marquis the l'Hospital. Nevertheless I unify the whole in virtue of the leibnizien metaphysical idea of ... |
Janský, Jan
O introspektivní reflexi poznání a bázi přírodních věd The study is an attempt on reflection of basal aspects of human cognitive faculty with an emphasis on epistemological relations to natural and exact sciences. Thematised are above all those specific characteristics of thought activity, which can be found by its phenomenological analysis... |
Havlík, Marek
Default mode network a endogenní aktivita mozku: Metodologickofilosofická analýza The main goal of this work is philosophical and methodological analysis of DMN and related endogenous activity. This thesis also focuses extensively on the history and theory of neuroscience, because this discovery is considered to be a massive scientific revolution. The work is di... |
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- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- Katedra filozofie / Department of Philosophy