Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KFI) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 441 až 460 z 798
Korecká, Jitka
Dějiny knihy - Kniha jako nástroj ženy na cestě k emancipaci

The bachelor thesis is concerned with mapping a women's long and arduous journey to equal rights in terms of their access to science and access to literature and education. The most significant means on the women's difficult journey to the equality and education was ju...

Krňoulová, Veronika
Knihovna státního zámku Kozel - vznik, vývoj a ochrana knihovního fondu

This bachelor´s thesis is focused on a topic The Library of State Chateau Kozel origin, development and preservation of documents. The thesis is divided into two main parts. The first part is connected with development and history of the chateau and library. In the chapt...

Jestřábová, Markéta
Estetické názory Arthura Schopenhauera

The thesis focuses on Schopenhauer's aesthetical overview. It deals with determination of what art is and what kinds of arts are distinguished. The focus of the thesis is Schopenhauer's philosophy and also Plato and Kant who inspired him. Another topic is the aesthetical ca...

Churaňová, Marie
Specifika Evropské kultury ve srovnání s kulturou zemí Dálného východu - komparace architektury Francie a Japonska od 10. století do 18. století

The aim of this thesis is to explore the development of architecture between 10th and 18th centuries in France anf Japan an individually characterize certain features of the architecture in these countries. Then the comaprison of these features shows a visible difference in develop...

Jenčová, Lenka
Vzdělávání žen v renesanční epoše

This work analyses the education of women in the Renaissance period. Is also showes how women were limited in this period and their roles werea always predicted.Its attention focuses on the education of women in the Renaissanceand if there were any educated women in the R...

Holý, Tomáš
Mimika jako součást neverbální komunikace s ohledem na věkové kategorie

The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical ones. The theoretical part is divided into the first three chapters, with the first chapter of the work is devoted to the General characteristics, structure, forms and modes of communication. The next chapter is&...

Hertlová, Barbora
Objevení Nového světa a proměny renesanční filosofie a vědy

Bachelor thesis describes the discovery of the New World and the importance it had for Renaissance philosophy and science. Attention is paid to the three areas on which the discovery of America was crucial. This is the skepticism, utopianism and transformation of knowledge about&#x...

Husárová, Nicole
Filosofie člověka v díle F. M. Dostojevského a F. Nietzscheho

Both authors deal with the topic of the tragedy of man. Nietzsche talked about will of the power. Dostoevsky about the will to love. Nietzsche wants to overcome the man and creates the new type of man: superman. Nietzsche requires extinction of the man, Dostoevsky not.

Dvořáková, Nikola
Vzdělávání žen v renesančním Španělsku

This work is focused on the analysis of women's education and intellect in the Renaissance, especially in Spain. The attention is also paid to perception of woman in society. The other part of this work is focused to specific Spain intellectual woman and interpretation of&...

Rabušicová, Alena
Interkulturní prezentační dovednosti

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to describe intercultural differences in presentation skills depending on the national culture. It focuses on the nonverbal part of a presentation at universities in Germany, Spain, Turkey and in the Czech Republic. The differences are examinated ...

Dvořák, Martin
Proměny spirituality v postmoderní době.

This text deals with contemporary thought of spirituality in the postmodern age. Having first outlined the history and development of understanding of the terms 'spirituality' and 'postmodern', the author chooses 3 authors competent in the field of interpreting current state of&#x...

Dvořáková, Klára
Psychologické teorie a směry: behaviorismus v psychologii a ve filozofii mysli

This work concerns the topic of the behaviorism in psychology and philosophy of mind. The purpose of this work is to introduce the behaviourism, his elements and to introduce his main representatives. This work includes origins and division of the behaviorism, forerunners of the&#x...

Brůjová, Petra
Psychologie morálky podle Carol Gilligan

This work introduces Gilligan´s conception of morality. Gilligan assumes correlation between gender and moral orientation. She distinguishes two ethics - an ethic of care and an ethic of justice. These two moral orientations reflect distinct experience of relationships of males and females.&...

Crhonková, Blanka
Dějiny knihy, tisku, ostatních médií: fenomén pálení knih

The bachelor thesis describes the origin and reasons of book burning in a Christian environment. There is a summary of book burning cases in different historical periods compiled. Great attention to the cases of book burning in the Czech environment is given. In a broader ...

Denková, Markéta
Judaismus a křesťanství - tradice a zvyky (srovnávací analýza) : Chanuka a Vánoce

The topic of my thesis is Judaism and Christianity in particular a comparative analysis of the traditions and customs of Christmas and Chanukah. The main focus of the thesis is a comparative study focusing on the two customs to find possible similarities and differences ...

Brůjová, Pavlína
Pojetí člověka a etiky u Davida Huma

The aim of the work is to introduce Hume's concept of ethics. Hume derives a quality of action from motives that lie behind it. Hume also deals with the concept of passions and reason. Hume describes moral distinctions by the psychological mechanisms.

Bartovská, Eva
Interpretace fenoménu bláznovství v renesanční filosofii a literatuře

This bachelor´s thesis is about Interpretation of Foolishness Phenomenon in Renaissance Philosophy and Literature. Thesis is divided into two parts - teoretical and practical.Teoretical part is concentrated on characterization of foolishness and to analysis partikular concept of hysteria, mania, which...

Brožíková, Veronika
"Problém druhého". Reflexe "jinakosti" v renesančním a novověkém filosofickém myšlení

This work analyses perception of "otherness" in minds of Renaissance and modern intellectuals. Emphasis is put on discovery of the New world and Europeans meeting with his radical differences. This work points out at the fact, that differences of the New world had influen...

Zdražilová, Romana
Vědomí a sny

The main aim of this Bachelor thesis is to explore problems of consciousness and dreaming and to show how these two psychological-philosophical categories are closely connected. This thesis analyses the history of the exploration of consciousness and dreams in more detail way. The ...

Adamcová, Klára
Knihovna státního zámku Kynžvart

This thesis deals with library of the state castle Kynzvart. Based on the searching and processing of materials, it deals with a given topic. It based on the general characteristic of the library and of the time of its formation. The main part is issue of the li...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 441 až 460 z 798