Kučerová, Ludmila
Račický, Antonín
Tichá, Iveta
Analysis of Affected Surface Zone Created by Different Cutting Technologies Three cutting technologies, plasma, laser, and acetylene, were used to produce the same geometry of a hole with 33 cm diameter. The plates of the same steel St-37 (1.0038, ČSN 11375) with a thickness of 50 mm were used in all three cases and the aim of the ... |
Dittrich, Fabian
Kars, Jonny
Mašek, Bohuslav
Jeníček, Štěpán
Wagner, Martin Franz-Xaver
Mayr, Peter
HAZ characterization of welded 42SiCr steel treated by quenching and partitioning An experimental steel 42SiCr was heat treated with a quenching and partitioning treatment in order to achieve high strength and at the same time acceptable ductility. This crucial combination requires the formation of a martensitic microstructure with a small volume fraction of retained... |
Kučerová, Ludmila
Chena, Iveta
Stehlík, Adam
Effect of various heat and thermo-mechanical treatments on low alloyed CMnAlNb high strength steel Low carbon low alloyed high strength steel with the chemical composition suitably designed to support the stabilization of retained austenite was used in this work. The steel was processed by conventional annealing for a reference and several different heat and thermo-mechanical treatments... |
Zoubek, Michal
Poór, Peter
Broum, Tomáš
Basl, Josef
Šimon, Michal
Industry 4.0 Maturity Model Assessing Environmental Attributes of Manufacturing Company The primary purpose of this article is to present a maturity model dealing with environmental manufacturing processes in a company. According to some authors, Industry 4.0 is based on characteristics that have already been the focus of “lean and green” concepts. The goal of th... |
Hajšman, Jan
Kučerová, Ludmila
Burdová, Karolína
The Influence of Varying Aluminium and Manganese Content on the Corrosion Resistance and Mechanical Properties of High Strength Steels The aim of this paper is to evaluate the influence of small variations in chemical composition on the corrosion resistance and mechanical properties of low-manganese and medium manganese high strength steels. Six different steels with manganese content varying from 1.5 to 4.0 wt.% ... |
Kepka, Miloslav
Kepka, Miloslav
Consideration of random loading processes and scatter of fatigue properties for assessing the service life of welded bus bodyworks As in the field of passenger cars, the development of a new bus (trolleybus, electric bus) includes computational and experimental activities: CAD - MBS - FEM - stand tests - measurements with prototypes - fatigue life calculations. Current challenges include the rise of electromob... |
Kovanda, Jan
Rulc, Vojtěch
Pre-crash control strategy of driver assistance system The aim of the article is the optimisation process of the ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) control. The methodology is based on the classi-fication of ADAS systems according to the situations of unavoidable accidents. Theevaluation of expected consequences uses injury biomechanics, ... |
Jirková, Hana
Jeníček, Štěpán
Kučerová, Ludmila
Kurka, Petr
High-strength steel components produced by hot metal gas forming Advanced high strength steels are promising materials for a variety of applications. They can be used in the automotive industry to reduce the car body weight, and thus the fuel consumption as well. Very good mechanical properties can be obtained in martensitic steels by the... |
Kučerová, Ludmila
Burdová, Karolína
Jeníček, Štěpán
Chena, Iveta
Effect of solution annealing and precipitation hardening at 250 °C -550 °C on microstructure and mechanical properties of additively manufactured 1.2709 maraging steel Post-processing heat treatment of additively manufactured (AM) maraging steel is an important issue in the tailoring of the final mechanical properties of a product. Up to now, mainly precipitation hardening at temperatures of 450 °C–500 °C has been studied either in as-built or so... |
Kučerová, Ludmila
Zetková, Ivana
Jeníček, Štěpán
Burdová, Karolína
Production of Hybrid Joints by Selective Laser Melting of Maraging Tool Steel 1.2709 on Conventionally Produced Parts of the Same Steel Joining additively manufactured (AM) complex shaped parts to larger conventionally produced parts can lead to innovative product designs. Another alternative is direct deposition on a conventional semi-product. Therefore, similar joints of maraging tool steel 1.2709 were produced by AM deposition ... |
Rubešová, Kateřina
Peković, Michal
Jirková, Hana
Hradil, David
Resistance of tool steel processed by unconventional forming technology against abrasive wear Materials for parts which are subjected to abrasive wear in service are typically selected on the basis of the microstructure type and hardness. Additional characteristics, such as grain size and the size and morphology of carbides are considered less frequently, although they may ... |
Jeníček, Štěpán
Peković, Michal
Opatová, Kateřina
Vorel, Ivan
Relationship between Mechanical Properties in 42SiCr and 42SiMn Medium-carbon Steels and Austempering Temperatures Sheet metal forming boundaries are established using the forming limit diagram (FLD). The Nakajima and Marciniak tests, which are based on stretching a material using a punch, are the most commonly used methods for determining the FLD or fracture forming limit diagram (FFLD). The... |
Vychytil, Jan
Špirk, Stanislav
Numerical analysis of passenger kinematics and injury risks during a railway vehicle collision: The effect of safety belts In conventional steels, bainitic microstructure which forms under isothermal conditions consists of bainitic ferrite and carbide precipitates whose distribution and size substantially depend on the parameters of isothermal treatment. In CFB steels (Carbide Free Bainite) however, the main microstructural... |
Rubešová, Kateřina
Rund, Martin
Rzepa, Sylwia
Jirková, Hana
Jeníček, Štěpán
Urbánek, Miroslav
Kučerová, Ludmila
Konopík, Pavel
Determining Forming Limit Diagrams Using Sub-Sized Specimen Geometry and Comparing FLD Evaluation Methods In this paper, the problem of Hermite interpolation by clamped Minkowski Pythagorean hodograph (MPH) B-spline curves is considered. Using the properties of B-splines, our intention is to use the MPH curves of degrees lower than in algorithms designed before. Special attention is devoted... |
Kovanda, Jan
Malkovský, Zdeněk
Rulc, Vojtěch
Možnosti zajištění aktivní bezpečnosti u kolejových vozidel městské hromadné dopravy The aim of this paper is to contribute to investigation of passive safety of passengers in railway vehicles using numerical simulations. At first, a typical interior of a railway vehicle is created in the Virtual Performance Solution software. It includes finite element models of... |
Khalaj, Omid
Ghobadi, Moslem
Zarezadeh, Alireza
Saebnoori, Ehsan
Jirková, Hana
Chocholatý, Ondřej
Svoboda, Jiří
Potential role of machine learning techniques for modeling the hardness of OPH steels This paper examines the influence of Johannes Crato and the seminal treatises on medicine and botany written by leading Central European scholars during the early modern period on the erudition and genesis of poetic work of the Elizabethan poet Philip Sidney. Johannes Crato (1519-1... |
Valíček, Jan
Harničárová, Marta
Řehoř, Jan
Kušnerová, Milena
Kučerová, Ludmila
Gombár, Miroslav
Fulemová, Jaroslava
Filipenský, Jan
Hnátík, Jan
Thermodynamics and Mechanics of Thermal Spraying of Steel EN 10060 Substrate with NiCrBSi Alloy after Milling The objective of this paper is to present a new way of identifying and predicting the relationship between thermodynamic and physical-mechanical parameters in the formation of a layer after spraying on a substrate with NiCrBSi alloy and its subsequent processing by milling. The mil... |
Khalaj, Omid
Jirková, Hana
Stehlík, Adam
Volkmannová, Julie
Svoboda, Jiří
The Effect of Heat Treatment on the Mechanical Behavior of Fe-Cr-Al based OPH Alloy The Fe-Al Oxide Precipitation Hardened (OPH) alloy is new generation of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) alloys which is famous group of material based on their high temperature properties. The general production process of OPH alloys consists of a mechanical alloying process to crea... |
Khalaj, Omid
Jirková, Hana
Burdová, Karolína
Kučerová, Ludmila
Stehlík, Adam
Vrtáček, Jiří
Svoboda, Jiří
Hot Rolling vs. Forging: Newly Developed Fe-Al-O Based OPH Alloy Two oxide precipitation hardened (OPH) Fe-Al-O-based steels were prepared by mechanical al-loying. In addition to the variant using yttria nano-precipitates to improve the mechanical properties, a variant using only alumina precipitates for strengthening was also prepared. Therefore, a more economical... |
Špirk, Stanislav
Špička, Jan
Vychytil, Jan
Křížek, Michal
Stehlík, Adam
Utilization of the Validated Windshield Material Model in Simulation of Tram to Pedestrian Collision The rail industry has been significantly affected by the passive safety technology in the last few years. The tram front-end design must fulfill the new requirements for pedestrian passive safety performance in the near future. The requirements are connected with a newly prepared t... |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 105
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 105