Diplomové práce / Theses (KMA) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 155
Soběhart, Karel
Speciální moduly, jejich vlastnosti a modelování na~konkrétních příkladech

This thesis is focused on special modules. Paper is structured into three chapters. First chapter defines basic concepts and propositions from module theory. Second chapter is focused on special type of modules big modules. Third chapter contains set of examples clarifying propositions...

Koza, Petr
Fyzika v domácnosti

This work contains theoretical part, which deals with constituents of educational process. Furthermore it contains practical part, which deals with physical phenomena we can find in the household. The work puts emphasis on the historical context, interesting facts, the description of the...

Laznová, Veronika
Subjektivní vnímání náročnosti fyzikálních úloh učiteli a studenty

This thesis focus perceived difficulty of physics tasks by students and teachers. There are 4 chapters in this work. The first chapter introduces basic principles of physics problems, their taxonomy and possible solutions. Second chapter discusses the current state of education of futur...

Kopová, Šárka
Optimalizační úlohy v teorii portfolia

The bachelor thesis is focused on optimization problems in portfolio models. Basic terms of portfolio theory, such as the characteristics of the asset and the portfolio, estimates of the mean value and standard deviation of the random variable describing the return of the asset...

Osvald, Tomáš
Kalibrace modelů stochastické volatility pomocí kvazi-evolučních algoritmů

In this thesis, we focus on calibration of stochastic volatility models using quasi-evolutionary algorithms. First we introduce evolutionary algorithms and types of initialization of a new population, that has an important impact on the algorithm. In methodology, we describe each step of...

Matas, Jan
Dynamické modely v matematické ekonomii

In this thesis, we study diffusion among separated but connected regions. The mutual connection between those regions is modelled by graphs where vertices represent regions and edges connections among them. Firstly, we use the theory of differential equations and graph theory to create&...

Zítka, Tomáš
Problémy aplikace Vopěnkovy Alternativní teorie množin

This thesis attempts to identify and describe main problems of application of Petr Vopěnka's (1935 - 2015) Alternative set theory (AST). In AST it's author introduces phenomenological approach to mathematics. Proposing such concepts as natural infinity, horizon bounding perc...

Šašek, Lukáš
Odhady parametru zobecněného exponenciálního rozdělení pomocí Bayesovského přístupu

This work explores Bayes estimation of the unknown parameter or parametrical function for the generalized exponencial disribution. For chosen conjugate prior describe descripiton of derived estimations. Examine properties of the derived estimations by simulation study.

Grežďo, René
Vrcholové barvení grafu

This thesis deals with vertex colorings of a graph. In the first chapter there are possible applications of graph colorings. In the second chapter we define considered colorings - proper, p-distance, packing, acyclic and list colorings. Third chapter, which is splitted into four pa...

Peterka, Petr
Vlastnosti zobecněných trigonometrických funkcí a jejich případné aplikace ve statistice

The main goal of this bachelor thesis is to study the properties of p-trigonometric and p,q-trigonometric functions and these results to use in investigating the two-dimensional generalized normal distribution. Further, in this work is presented an overview of derivatives and integers of...

Peterka, David
Dynamické toky v sítích

This bachelor thesis is focused on finding optimal solutions in some situations that are modeled using a weighted graph. The main purpose of this bachelor thesis is to provide an overview of algorithms for searching for the maximum, respectively optimal flow in the network bot...

Bočkayová, Tina
Diskrétní populační modely

The goal of this bachelor thesis is to get acquainted with population models in discrete time, specifically with the Leslie matrix model. Our main intention is to extend the Leslie model on general spatial structures. First, we study a simple two-generation model on two patche...

Řehák, Martin
Plyny ve výuce chemie

The main objective was to clearly and thematically assemble tasks that can be used as demonstration or junior attempt. These assays can be used in teaching chemistry in elementary school, middle school and possibly in preparation of future teachers of chemistry. The first part ...

Macháňová, Eliška
Alokace režijních nákladů na vybrané produkty dopravního podniku

The presented thesis deals with problems of cost analysis and allocation of overhead costs. The main aim is to analyse the present ways of allocation of overhead costs on selected products of Pilsen City Transport Company and a proposal for a new methodology for allocation...

Sudová, Blanka
Analýza příjmových nerovností

This thesis focuses on questions of income inequality in the society. The theoretical and methodological section describes characteristics by which income inequalities can be measured. Gini index and Theil index are introduced and analysed in first part. More importantly new measures o...

Šellerová, Lenka
Geometrické procházky

The work is focused on the inter-relationships between mathematics and geography and used to teach more talented pupils in secondary schools. The main aim is to deepen knowledge of geography and show pupils possibilities of geometry in everyday life. The work is divided into f...

Chyla, Miroslav
Numerické modelování reálných úloh založené na metodě nespojitých konečných prvků

The aim of this master's thesis is the description of the finite element method (FEM), both continuous and discontinuous variation. I also briefly introduce XFEM method, or FEM methods extension of the so-called level set function. These methods will be implemented in MATLAB an...

Macháňová, Eliška
Alokace režijních nákladů na vybrané produkty dopravního podniku

The presented thesis deals with problems of cost analysis and allocation of overhead costs. The main aim is to analyse the present ways of allocation of overhead costs on selected products of Pilsen City Transport Company and a proposal for a new methodology for allocation...

Seibtová, Kateřina
Oceňování bariérových opcí

In the thesis, we introduce the barrier option and its eight types. We want to price the barrier options under the Black-Scholes model and also under the Heston model. First, we price the options analytically for getting some closed form solution under the both models. Ne...

Švígler, Vladimír
Kvalitativní studium úloh pro eliptické (příp. i parabolické) rovnice s daty obsahujícími míru a/nebo šum - řešitelnost, bifurkace, aproximace řešení

This work concerns the solvability of the semi-linear elliptic partial differential equations at resonance with measure data in the very weak sense, i.e., the solution is an element of the space L^1(D). Particularly, we assume D to be a bounded domain in R^N with C^2 boun...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 155