Diplomové práce / Theses (KBS) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Hanzlová, Karolína
Politické důsledky válečných zločinů v syrské občanské válce This thesis is focused on the way, how syrian war has influenced the position of Syria in the region and in the international political system. Civil war has many aspects and this work is all around the issue of war crimes, that has been committed during the con... |
Pečený, Michal
Vztahy napoleonské Francie a qádžárovského Íránu The objective of this study was to analyse Franco-Iranian relations during the Napoleonic era and reign of the Qajar dynasty. After introduction of the history of Franco-Iranian relations before the rise of the Qajar dynasty the relations after 1795 were discussed. In 1796, French&... |
Matala, Matouš
Zdroje zemního plynu státu Izrael a jejich využití The diploma thesis deals with the impact of Israel's discoveries of natural gas deposits in the Eastern Mediterranean. Specifically, the transformation of the Israeli economy in the context of natural gas extraction as a strategic raw material for Israel's energy self-sufficiency. Th... |
Boukalová, Alena
Severní Mezopotámie ve třetím předkřesťanském tisíciletí, zejména na základě vykopávek na lokalitě Tell Brak This thesis deals with the territory of northern Mesopotamia in the the era of the 3rd millennium BC. Firstly, the region of Mesopotamia and its development from the earliest settlement to the 16th century BC is briefly characterized. Furthermore, its borders are indicated, a... |
Chupíková, Veronika
Vývoj iráckého Kurdistánu po roce 2017 The thesis focuses on the development of Iraqi Kurdistan from 2017 until 2023. It explains how important the year 2017 was for Kurdistan when the referendum on independence was held, which had a strong impact on the future of the Kurdish region. It describes the current... |
Alexeev, Ester
Vztah státu a judaismu v současném Izraeli The thesis examines the relationship between religion and the state in contemporary Israel in order to highlight the historical, cultural and ideological plurality of religious and secular Jews living in Israel. |
Adamčík, Martin
Strategie syrských migrantů na české schengenské hranici v době syrské občanské války The thesis deals with the strategy of Syrian migrants at the Czech Schengen border during the Syrian civil war. I devoted the first part of the thesis to the concept of Schengen, the Schengen border, its protection, and explained the concepts such as illegal migration, po... |
Abdulla, Faten
Islámská jurisprudence menšin This thesis highlights the importance of Islamic jurisprudence, alias "Fiqh al-Aqalliyyat", of minorities for Muslims in non-Muslim countries. This jurisprudence analyses, addresses and resolves religious "problems" or inconveniences. in non-Islamic societies. In this work, an analytic study ... |
Ivančíková, Alžbeta
Dôsledky protiteroristickej politiky Izraela v kontexte štátu Libanon This diploma thesis aims to explain the strained relations between the State of Israel and the Republic of Lebanon in the context of Israel's fight against terrorism. And because the anti-terrorist policy is difficult to explain if we do not include its historical context, ... |
Žižková, Kateřina
První intifáda The aim of this diploma thesis is to present the events of the first palestinian intifada from the perspective of Palestinians, based on interviews with 18 respondents from different social classes, different positions and age. The work wants to show how individual specific events&... |
Rácz, Erik
Zázračné zbraně Izraele - Hasbara, izraelská kultura inovací, obranně-bezpečnostní trhy, a Česká Republika The main goal of this diploma thesis is to introduce the term hasbara, Israel's innovation culture and bring to reader's attention the importance of cooperation between the Czech Republic and the State of Israel. Diploma thesis describes comprehensive overview of the defence and... |
Gamal richterová, Kateřina
Původ moderního antisemitismu mezi muslimy a antisemitismus v české muslimské komunitě Anti-Semitism has a long history in Europe. It came to the Middle East in the 19th century and since the 20th we could call it Muslim Anti-Semitism. The Muslim Anti-Semitism intensifies with Jews coming to the region from Europe in 20´s and is vital untill nowadays. ... |
Morgensternová, Lenka
Vývoj syrsko-libanonských politických vztahů po roce 2011 Diploma thesis deals with the impacts of the Syrian conflict on the political stability of Lebanon. The aim of thesis is to find out to what extent the conflict in Syria and the related presence of Syrian refugees and the involvement of Hezbollah in the conflict had&... |
Kollouch, Martin
Íránská hip-hopová subkultura The aim of this work is to introduce Iranian hip-hop subculture. First, it's focusing on historical origin of popular music in Iran and then the origin of Iranian rap music. Second, my intent is to show all aspects of hip-hop subculture with art side of graffiti... |
Danyš, Otmar
Maroko a migrace ze subsaharské Afriky The thesis deals with the migration of sub-Saharan Africans into and through Morocco. It analyses relations ship of Moroccan migration policy and foreign policy |
Horčičková, Aneta
Íránská konstituční revoluce 1905-1911. The theme of submitted thesis is Iranian constitutional revolution 1905-1911. My aim was mapping the whole period of the constitutional revolution from its first protests between years 1905-1906, creation of the national assembly and its following dissolution during bombing the majles 1908.&... |
Križan, Tomáš
Profesijné uplatnenie sýrskych utečencov v Istanbule po roku 2011 Overview of career opportunities of syrian refugees in Istanbul after 2011 |
Janže, Andrea
Charakteristika milostné a politické poezie Tamíma Al Barghúthího The aim of this thesis is to acquaint readers with the life and work of one of the most prominent contemporary poets, Tamím al-Barghouthi. This work will provide information about the most important events in lives of his parents, both intelectuals and literates, further ... |
Schubert, Lukas
Islámský stát: Případová studie náboženského fundamentalismu This thesis deals with the ideology of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant(ISIL/ISIS) in the context of modern religious fundamentalism. The goal of the thesis is to test the hypothesis, that ISIL is a typical example of the mentioned socio-religious phenomenon. The ... |
Gröschlová, Jana
Problematika svobodné žurnalistiky v regionu Blízkého východu - největší kauzy současnosti The thesis deals with the issue of a free journalism in the Middle East with regard to the biggest cases that are currently associated with this issue. It describes the current situation of journalists in selected countries and maps the most well-known cases of suppression... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- Katedra blízkovýchodních studií / Department of Middle Eastern Studies
- 168 diplomová práce
- 29 2020 - 2023
- 139 2012 - 2019