Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KMM) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Reischig, David
Hodnocení mikrostruktury kovových archeologických artefaktů Theoretical part of bachelor's work contains decription on the theme of light microscopy, electron microscopy and evaluation of metallographics cuts. The aim of this thesis is to describe structures of individual arrowheads and to gather additional information about steel m... |
Bílek, Vojtěch
Zvyšování odolnosti ocelí vůči opotřebení The bachelor thesis deals with the comparison of methods for increasing wear resistance in HO and MS1 material. This is heat treatment, nitriding, shot peening. These methods are compared in terms of wear and hardness in order to find the most suitable method for increasing... |
Beberová, Pavlína
Galvanické pokovení šperků The bachelor thesis contains the principle of galvanic plating, a description of galvanic plating methods used in jewelry. The practical part is devoted to plating several materials with gold and nickel, documenting and evaluating the quality and appearance of the ... |
Franta, Ondřej
Využití metody Kemppi WiseRoot The main goal of this bachelor's thesis was an intorduction of the Kemppi WiseRoot method. The method was applicated on construction steel and compared with conventional 1-MIG method. Non-destructive testing, microanalysis and hardness measurment was used. |
Holzman, Martin
Laserově indukovaná funkcionalizace porézních titanových povrchů pro biomedicíncké aplikace The bachelor thesis deals with the functionalization of a smooth and textured titanium surface using calcium disilicide. Pulsed laser deposition was performed in a vacuum and alcohol environment. The obtained nanoparticles were characterized by dynamic light scattering, scanning electron microscopy,... |
Luksch, Michal
Odolnost Al slitin proti koroznímu napadení This bachelor thesis pursues corrosion resistence of aluminium alloys. The experiment was headed to an influence of heat treatment. The EN AW 6082 alloy with three different conditions of heat treatment has been chosen. Sighting of the alloy was made by li... |
Dolejší, David
Vývoj vlastností a mikrostruktury u vzorků WC-Co zpracovaných technologií SLM a HIP The bachelor's thesis deals in the theoretical part with the additive production of WC-Co from powder material by the SLM method and subsequent modification by the HIP process. In the experimental part, the influence of the HIP process at different pressures on samples of ... |
Kepka, Jiří
Vliv parametrů svařování při produktivním svařování deformačních prvků automobilu The bachelor thesis contains the characteristics of welding methods in the automotive industry, individual welding parameters affecting the quality of the weld and their development with a focus on finding ideal values. The determined values will be used in the production of destructive... |
Krasij, Andrij
Ověřování ztráty houževnatosti drátů z legovaných ocelí pomocí rázové zkoušky This bachelor thesis deals with the measurement of toughness in low alloy steel wires. The main goal of this work is to design the appropriate test equipment and then perform a series of experiments to verify whether the designed machine is able to capture... |
Panská, Dominika
Aspekty korozního napadení na akustickou emisi kovů The bachelor thesis is concerned with the study of the influence of corrosive environments on materials using the Acoustic Emission method. The theoretical part explains the basic methods of non-destructive testing and further describes the operation of the Acoustic Emission method. In... |
Mikeska, Jiří
Mikrobiální koroze Al slitin The goal of this thesis was to test and give results about resistance of aluminium alloys against microbiologically influenced corrosion. Own testing device was used for testing. The theoretical part focuses on corrosion of aluminium alloys, microbiologically influenced corrosion and methodology&... |
Bystřická, Tereza
Mikrostrukturní analýzy zušlechtěné oceli legované hliníkem The bachelor thesis consists of a theoretical and an experimental part. The theoretical part describes the alloying of steels, heat treatment and evaluation of material properties. The experimental part deals with changes in the microstructures of steels alloyed with 5 wt.% and 7 w... |
Roušar, Vít
Analýza deformačních jevů pomocí vysokorychlostního záznamu This bachelor thesis explores the analysis of deformation during the Charpy impact test. The aim of the thesis is to determinate different speed of crack propagation. The test samples are made from steel ČSN 11 373 without post-processing, in annealed condition and in hydrogen ... |
Kubovec, Pavel
Vlastnosti slinutých karbidů po boridování This bachelor thesis deals with choices of treatment of cemented carbides. The aim of the work is to explore properties of cemented carbides after extremely long period of boriding. The properties of cemented carbides in experimental part of the bachelor thesis were evaluated by... |
Hucek, František
Volba vhodných svařovacích parametrů při robotickém svařování konstrukčních ocelí This bachelor thesis deals with robotic MAG welding. The aim of this thesis is to compare various processes of modern welding power source Fronius, to determine their impact on welded structural steel and to design optimal welding parameters for these processes in order that t... |
Kratochvílová, Lucie
Vlastnosti slitin neželezných kovů po boridování This bachelor thesis deals with the properties of non-ferrous metal alloys after boriding. Introduction to boriding methods that can be used on non-ferrous metals and their alloys. Influence of the formed boride layer on the structure and properties of non-ferrous metal... |
Routner, Petr
Možnosti testování polymerních materiálů v korozní komoře VLM This bachelor thesis deals with the basic division of polymers, with an overview of the most used ones and the influence of selected degradation processes on polymers. The possibilities of testing polymers according to selected standards are another part of these research work. The... |
Káca, Ondřej
Ultrazvukové svařování polymerních materiálů The bachelor's thesis deals with polymeric materials and their joining, with a focus on ultrasonic welding of thermoplastic materials. It contains a basic description of polymeric materials, division and description of technologies for joining polymeric materials and a detailed description of... |
Taranda, Tomáš
Testování koroze pod napětím u heterogenních svarů The bachelor thesis deals with stress corrosion cracking in heterogeneous welded joints of ferritic-pearlitic steel and austenitic stainless steel. This problem was found on the nozzles of pipeline routes of steam generators of nuclear power plants. The experimental part deals with this ... |
Sedláček, Marek
Popis materiálových struktur měď-čedičového kompozitního laserového návaru The presented bachelor thesis is focused on the metallographic evaluation of copper-basalt laser clads. Confocal microscopy, light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy were used within this bachelor thesis. Its aim was to evaluate the possibility of the application of copper-basalt laser... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta strojní / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Katedra materiálu a strojírenské metalurgie / Department of Material Science and Techology
- 14 corrosion
- 14 koroze
- 13 hardness
- 13 heat treatment
- další >
- 138 bakalářská práce
- 49 2020 - 2024
- 89 2012 - 2019